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psychopathic test |
Posted by: mcamp999 - 23-02-2006, 04:03 PM - Forum: Banter and ALL
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Subject: FW: psychopathic test
>>> Psychopath Test
>>> Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down
>>> to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It
>>>is as
>>> it reads. No one I know has got it right.
>>> A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom
>>> she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed
>>> to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him
>>> there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A
>>> days later she killed her sister.
>>> Question: What is her motive for killing her sister?
>>> [Give this some thought before you answer,
Any ideas? |
Posted by: Guest - 23-02-2006, 10:29 AM - Forum: Travel and Immigration
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We are going away for a few days when we get to Joburg in April, i am busy looking at Thornybush Lodge, Jatinga Lodge...
Is there any other lodge or nice places to get away for about 4 days etc.....
Will be just the two of us as mischief is staying with my Mom...
Thanks in advance...
Help |
Posted by: zena - 22-02-2006, 07:59 PM - Forum: Banter and ALL
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I need some help please........... what south african radio stations can u listen to on the internet .......i am not very clued up only know east coast radio
Eksamen flaters! |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-02-2006, 07:00 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans
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Egipteland was bewoon deur mummies en hulle het almal in hierdie griewe
geskryf. Hulle het in die Sarah-woestyn gewoon. Die klimaat was só erg
dat al die inwoners op ander plekke moes bly.
* Moses het die Hebreeuse slawe na die Rooi See gelei waar hulle
ongesuurde brode gebak het, dit is brood wat sonder enige bestanddele
gemaak is. Moses het die berg Sianied uitgeklim om die tien gebooie te
kry. Hy is dood toe hy nog nie eens by Kanada kon uitgekom het nie.
* Salomo het driehonderd vroue en sewehonderd byekorwe gehad.
* Die Grieke was 'n hoogs gekulde veervolk en sonder hulle sou ons nie
'n geskiedenis gehad het nie. Die Grieke het ook mites gehad. 'n Mite is 'n
* Sokrates was 'n beroemde Griekse wydsheid wat rondgeloop en mense raad
gegee het. Hy is dood aan 'n oordosis willekeur. Ná sy dood het sy
loopbaan dramaties agteruitgegaan.
* In die ou Olimpiese Spele het die Grieke kaal resies gehardloop en
disnis gegooi.
* Julius Caesar het homself op die slagvelde van Gallië onderskryf. Die
Ides van Maart het hom vermoor omdat hulle gedink het hy gaan 'n koning
gemaak word. Toe hy doodgaan, het hy gesê: "En toe, boetie?"
* Johanna van Arkel het van 'n stapel brandwonde gesterf.
* Koning Elizabeth was die "Maagdekoningin". As 'n koningin was sy 'n
sukses. Sy het haar haar volk se probleme aangetrek en wanneer sy haar
so aangetrek het voor haar soldate, het hulle almal geskree: "Hoera!"
* Dit was 'n tydperk van groot uitvindsels en ontdekkings. Gutenberg het
die wynpers en die Bybel uitgevind. Nog 'n belangrike uitvindsel was die
bloedsomloop. Peter Stuyvesant is 'n geskiedkundige figuur, want hy het
sigarette uitgevind en begin rook.
* Die grootste skrywer van die Renaissance was William Shakespeare. Hy
is in die jaar 1564 gebore en party mense dink dit was op sy verjaardag. Hy
het nooit geld gemaak nie, en is net beroemd oor die toneelstukke wat hy
geskryf het. Hy het tragedies, komedies en historektomieë geskryf. Romeo
and Juliet is een voorbeeld.
* Abraham Lincoln het Amerika se grootste presedent geword. Lincoln se
ma is dood toe sy nog 'n babatjie was en hy is gebore in 'n houthut wat hy
met sy eie hande gebou het. Hy is later doodgeskiet deur John Wilkes
Booth, wat hulle sê 'n mal akteur was. Dit het Booth se loopbaan
heeltemal geruïneer.
* Johann Bach het baie musiekkomposisies geskryf en ook baie kinders. Hy
is dood sedert 1750 tot vandag toe. Bach was die beroemdste komponis in
die wêreld en Händel was ook. Händel was half-Duits, half-Italiaans en half-Engels.
Hy was 'n baie groot man.
* Beethoven het musiek geskryf al was hy doof. Hy was só doof dat hy
harde musiek geskryf het. Hy het ver in die woude gaan loop selfs al het almal
na hom geroep. Beethoven het in 1827 opgehou bestaan en dis hoekom hy
later dood is.
* Die negentiende eeu was 'n tyd van baie uitvindsels. Mense het opgehou
om met die hand te reproduseer en met masjiene begin reproduseer. Die
uitvinding van die stoomboot het 'n netwerk van riviere laat ontstaan.
Louis Pasteur het 'n manier uitgevind om dol honde gesond te maak.
Charles Darwin was 'n natuurkundige wat die Organ of the Species geskryf het.
* Die koekoek is 'n voël wat nie sy eie eiers lê nie.
* Parallelle lyne ontmoet mekaar nooit nie, tensy jy een of altwee van hulle buig.
* 'n Sirkel is 'n lyn wat sy ander end ontmoet sonder om te end.
* Die maan is 'n planeet net soos die aarde, maar dis selfs nog meer dood.
* Vegatiewe voortplanting is 'n proses waarin een individu per ongeluk 'n ander individu vervaardig.
* Bloed vloei in die een been af en in die ander been op.
* 'n Mens behoort een keer in die somer te bad en nie heeltemal so dikwels in die winter nie.
* As jy nie genoeg jodium in jou bloed het nie, kry jy 'n gletser.
* Hulp met beenbreuke: om te sien of die ledemaat gebreek is, wikkel dit saggies heen en weer.
* Raad vir neusbloeding: plaas die neus baie laer as die liggaam.
* Raad by verstikking: pas kunsmatige asemhaling toe totdat die pasiënt dood is.
* As jy 'n reuklose gas ruik, is dit waarskynlik koolstofmonoksied.
S.A. Perm ( building society , of sorts ) |
Posted by: Ray - 22-02-2006, 05:43 PM - Forum: Banter and ALL
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Hey , Saffers ,
would anyone care to update me , as to what happenned to/with S.A. Perm build. society ?
The last dealings I had with them :
- my own mortgage , which progressed swiftly , from 12,5% to 23,75% p.a. inside less than a 12-months' period , somewhere 1984-85
( no wonder , I couldn't wait to get out of that "deal" );
- sold some half-dozen almost-repossesed houses on their behalf
( usually :at a huge loss to strapped middle-class white mortgage-holders ) in Glenvista Ext 3 , cca 1985-6 ...
I understand that they might not be around , under that name , anymore ?
Answer to Spam re: TtR forums |
Posted by: TheDuck - 22-02-2006, 02:41 PM - Forum: Your Health, Fitness and Wellbeing
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Hi Spam
the http://www.time-to-run.com forums are waiting for the new automated system to be completed .. the forums are there already but we only want to launch them once the system has been linked with the vB backend [database]
we hoping to set-up one registration system which allows for users to join the forums and to add their data for clubs - results and fixtures .. instead of 6 different logins
the whole process is more than 6 months behind
however it is going to happen ..
How to start running with 10 easy steps |
Posted by: TheDuck - 22-02-2006, 08:13 AM - Forum: Articles
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1. Invest in a good pair of running shoes. You don't have to buy the top of the range, which could set you back several hundred rands. However, it's important to ensure that your shoes will provide sufficient cushioning to protect your back and lower limbs from injury. Buying your first pair of running shoes
2. Walk before you run! For the first four weeks you should have a 5-15 minute warm-up walk before breaking into a trot, followed by a warm-down stroll.
3. Make sure you run/walk at least three times a week. You won't really benefit if you do less than this. However, don't run if you're unwell, as this might increase the time you'll take to recover.
4. Don't run two days in a row for the first two months. Give your muscles and tendons a chance to adapt to running.
5. Run for time, not distance. Your running program should be designed to gradually increase the time you spend on your feet, rather than the kilometers.
6. Avoid drastic increases in time on your feet. If you ran a total of thirty minutes last week, don't increase this by more than ten minutes the following week.
7. Avoid copying top athletes! These runners were born with superior genes that enables their bodies to handle stress loads that ordinary runners cannot cope with.
8. Be patient! Don't be in a hurry to enter road races, etc., no matter how much your friends pressurise you. Wait until you can run at least 30 minutes without resting before lining up for that first 5km fun run.
9. Find a like-minded friend to run with. Some of the greatest friendships have been formed during training runs.
10. Enjoy your running! It's nice to be competitive, but not if the pressures are going to impact on your health and general life style. Avoid getting into the trap of entering a race every week, come what may, because this is the surest way of becoming injured.
This article is provided by Cynthia Hayward, Time-to-Run contributor, assisting beginners in making their introduction to running more pleasant and safe. source http://www.time-to-run.com