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Posted by: mcamp999 - 20-11-2005, 09:38 AM - Forum: Rugby Newsfeed - No Replies

Have a look see who is at the bottom of the rugby rankings http://www.irb.com/WR/

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Posted by: Jangar - 19-11-2005, 08:10 PM - Forum: Your Food and Entertainment - No Replies

Anyone else seen the Stephen King "Kingdom Hospital" series ?

I just love the aardvark Antibus Big Grin

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  Die Boesmanse Onse Vader
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 19-11-2005, 04:51 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - No Replies

geskryf deur P.J. van den Heever:

“Onse Vader wat doer êrns vêr bo in die bloulug is, diese warm dag wil ikke op myse kniege tot U kom bid:

Lat U se koningskap tog by ons kom, en lat U se grootheid hier tissen ons staan gemaak kan worre, en lat U se wil gebeure doer bo by U rond, net so gebeure hier by ons BoesmÂ’land se grond.

Gee ons vandag onse tjai-impie kos en vergewe ons, onse sondige gemors, sos ons die ander minse sin vergeef.

Here lat die kwaad doen goerterse wye draaie om ons loop en gee tog samblief Here lat die duwel nie naby kom nie.

Die minse doen sulke lelike goerters teen my, maar help tog samblief dat ik dit nie sal raak sien nie, dan sal U mos ok nie myne raak sien nie.

U is vir altyd en vir altyd. Amene my groot Kroon.”

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  Elk van ons kan 'n olyfboom van hoop plant
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 19-11-2005, 04:44 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - No Replies

Cecillie Cilliers


Die afgelope week het ek aan die gewoel en gewerskaf van elke dag ontsnap en vir 'n kort twee dae die stilte gaan opsoek. Goedgedacht is 'n konferensiesentrum en 'n plek van gebed - die kapel staan op 'n hoogte, onder jou lê die koringlande van die Swartland uitgesprei in vlakke van bruin en goud, ver anderkant die heuwels verrys Tafelberg, 'n vertroostende baken.
Dit was mooi daar. En stil. Maar doodstil was dit nie. Daar was die gekraai van kapokhaantjies en die veraf gedreun van trekkers op die land, en saans, in die koelte buite op die stoep, kon mens die kinderstemme hoor wat inkom van 'n lang middag se buite speel, en die ma's se vermanende bevele om te bad en is die huiswerk klaar? En soms die dieper stemme van mans op pad huis toe: Naand, sus Dora, en hoe's dit by julle? Altyd goed, dankie Bêrend ! Ditsem, sus Dora! En dan weer die stilte.

Die Goedgedacht Trust is in die vroeë 1990's in die lewe geroep om die verskriklike armoede onder onbekende plaaswerkers en hulle families in hierdie streek te bekamp. Letterlik onbekende, want dis gesiglose plaaswerkers: meer as die helfte van die kinders is nooit by geboorte geregistreer nie, baie volwassenes besit nog steeds geen identiteitsdokumente nie.
Met werk, beter behuising, beter skoling, word daar stadig maar seker weggebeitel aan armoede, maar meer nog, word daar gebou aan die selfrespek van mense wat in so baie opsigte werklik agtergebly het.

Die trust het baie aspekte: Behalwe die konferensiesentrum en die spiritualiteitsprogramme, behels dit ook die Goedgedacht-forum vir sosiale nadenke. Beleidskeppers, invloedryke nuusmakers en politici van verskillende oortuigings kom elke tweede maand hier in die stilte bymekaar om dringende kwessies deur en uit te praat. Die Goedgedacht landbou-hulpsentrum voorsien kleinboere van noodsaaklike raad en hulp. Goedgedacht het ook kontak met belangstellende buitelanders wat nie net 'n geldelike bydrae maak nie, maar jong mense na Goedgedacht stuur om daar hulle volle gewig agter praktiese projekte te gooi.

Maar die hart van die trust se werk en visie is die lewensbelangrike Olyfpad-uit-armoede- uit-projek. Van die olyfbome in die Goedgedacht Olyf-(vredes) boord kom die olywe en olyfolie waarvan die inkomste al die ander projekte moet finansier.

Maar die Op Pop-program soos dit bekend staan, is meer as net 'n finansiële projek. Dit is 'n opheffingsprojek. In die program word kinders gevoed en in voorskoolse programme opgeneem, jong mense word die geleentheid gegee om in sportspanne te speel, pa's en ma's word verantwoordelike ouerskap geleer, individuele groentetuine word aangelê, onderlinge ondersteuning vir vigs en teringlyers word georganiseer en aangemoedig, en gesonde spirituele waardes gekweek. Met die olyfpad uit armoede word die plattelandse kind in die groter Swartlandstreek na 'n beter lewe gelei.

Ek het Goedgedacht toe gegaan vir 'n paar dae se stilte, ek het baie, baie meer ontvang. Bokant die grys loof van die olyfboorde hang daar die beeld van 'n beter, mooier Suid-Afrika as die een wat ons tans bewoon, en dis geen lugspieëling nie. Dinge kán beter word, beter wéés, as ons, elkeen van ons, maar die olyfbome van hoop wil plant.


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  Keane leaves
Posted by: mcamp999 - 19-11-2005, 11:25 AM - Forum: The Football Season - No Replies

Clubs queueing up to sign Keane

Keane in shock exit from Man Utd
A host of British clubs have declared an interest in signing Roy Keane after the 34-year-old's shock departure from Manchester United.


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  Ancestry visa may be removed
Posted by: John01 - 18-11-2005, 02:26 PM - Forum: Immigration - No Replies

Nothing is certain yet, it may be an idea for those interested, to keep a watchful eye on the news. If you are elegible and considering immigration to the UK, it may be worth applying early to keep your options open.

UK Ancestry visa could be scrapped

Wed, 26 Oct 2005

An overhaul of British immigration rules could end the traditional entry and settlement rights of Commonwealth citizens with British relatives, a newspaper said on Wednesday.

The Times daily said that Britain's new points-based immigration system could end a scheme whereby Commonwealth citizens with a British grandparent are allowed to enter and settle in Britain.

People from Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada and Zimbabwe are the most likely to be affected.

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  "So what's it like becoming a Chef?"
Posted by: Cheffie - 18-11-2005, 10:10 AM - Forum: Food Matters Articles - No Replies

And my oft-repeated reply "It's like NOTHING you can imagine!"

To give you a little history, I was brought up in Cape Town with the proverbial older brother and younger siblings scenario. A good Catholic family - 3 boys to terrorize my mother and the youngest, a girl, to fulfil her dreams.
Like many households of its time, the father was the breadwinner and the mother stayed at home, raising the family.
My mother was indeed a very good cook - so much so that when my younger siblings came along, she already had inspired my older brother and myself to venture into the kitchen and 'assist' her in the making of the family meals.
To this day I'm not entirely convinced it was merely to 'assist' her in the kitchen but rather a sublime and very successful effort on her part to get her two boys into the kitchen and give her a break!
My first 'break' came at the ripe age of 8 (I had been 'assisting' for 2 years already) when my mother went into hospital to give birth to her third little boy. I think the culmination of the years of training seemed to strike a chord with my father, as no longer was he expected to produce his standard: "Bacon, Egg and Chips" - he was now being introduced to food from his offspring! It must have been like heaven for him - 3 cooks and no more venturing into the kitchen for him!
And so began my lifelong passion for food.
From the humble beginnings of making that cup of coffee on a Sunday morning, followed by breakfast or 'brunch' (depending on how lazy I felt) to my first dinner to celebrate my mother's return home with my younger brother in tow. And the journey continues unabated today.

Growing up, as a child in the 70's in South Africa was indeed something I was to look back on with fond memories. From listening to my father's serenading of my mother with some of the classic 60's and 70's numbers ("where do you go to my lovely" springs to mind), to him singing 'country drive' songs ("ag please daddy" even with ALL the naughty verses), most of the time we were on a journey that culminated in the sheer enjoyment of food.
Be it for a picnic in High Noon or a late lunch in Franschhoek, to a country drive down to Cape Point to eat steamed mussels on the beach at Olifantsbos and have freshly prepared crayfish. The summers seemed to last a lifetime then.
The HUGE gatherings of the clan at Christmas time was a culinary feast - the men drank beer whilst the women were in the kitchen preparing the day's feast. The smells and sounds of the kitchen along with the ceaseless banter between everyone - it seemed everyone was indeed mad! I know today that things were slightly different and can only imagine that my mother was patiently biding her time for her first two boys to volunteer their efforts and so become embroiled in the preparation of the traditional family feasts. She had laid the groundwork and was slowly but surely nurturing both of us to replace her in the kitchen. I think she may well contest this last point - but until she regularly makes use of the kitchen today to prepare FROM SCRATCH her own meals, I will continue to hold this belief.

Indeed she was a great cook - patient and tireless in the kitchen when it came to providing a family meal that we all sat down to and shared. The amount of love and effort that she expended in the kitchen I can fully understand today and humbly thank her for inspiring us to be able to 'think on our feet' and cook with passion.
After all food is something essential in our lives and she taught us the maxim - LIVE TO EAT! Eating to live is of course the antithesis.
I cannot imagine a life that revolved around just 'eating to live'. An alien concept in its most vulgar form.
As with many kids there were loads of foods that I could just not understand WHY my mother was trying to feed us with. The thoughts of poisoning by eating such weird things as Asparagus, tasting escargot (the thought of eating a garden snail WHOLLY repulsed me) were offset by my mother 'bribing' us with her wonderful puddings.
My favourite being her rice pudding. The withdrawal of pudding was indeed a punishment too difficult to imagine - yet I managed to experience it once. Suffice to say I didn't repeat my transgression and have never failed to remind my mother of the sheer torment of not being able to eat dessert that night!
Tis no matter - my love and admiration for you mom has never diminished, but rather grown over the many, many years.

Scroll forward a few years into the wonderful years of being a teenager and being able to earn pocket money! How fortunate it was that we had a great restaurant open across the road from us and night after night the smells of garlic and herbs wafted through the air.
I was young, green and very keen to see exactly what went on in the kitchens and somehow managed to get a position as a kitchen assistant for a few hours at a time.
Sheer mayhem greeted me! No longer in the warm confines of my mother's kitchen at home - here was real food being churned out at a frenetic pace!
The smells of wood fired pizzas, char grilled steaks, and racks upon racks of mouth-watering ribs, succulent fish and a huge variety of pasta were enough to assault any person's virgin nostrils! I was hooked!
How on earth anyone could be the captain of his ship and be able to control all of this chaos AND then still take the time out to greet the regular guests was totally beyond my grasp. The great booming voice of the Dutchman and the somewhat 'mad' Italian behind the stoves still reverberate fondly in my ears.
Jan, you were a legend then and I will forever be in your debt for allowing a youngster to enter your hallowed kitchens and continue his journey on becoming a Chef.

Cooking in an open plan kitchen was almost unheard of in those days, yet it prepared me for dealing with the Front of House - the reason why we're all in business, the Guest!
Being equally at home cooking in the kitchen and then having to communicate with the guests allowed me to venture out of the kitchen and onto the floor for a while. Whilst earning tips was indeed fun and allowed one more scope to go and enjoy a few extra beers after work, the adrenaline rush was nothing compared to the kitchen.

I returned to my roots in Hout Bay and continued my journey in the kitchen. A succession of owners, from Mozambique, South African, Belgian, Italian and finally to German allowed a glimpse into what other cultures ate, the food they shared and ultimately educating palates in what food was really about.
I remained there for seven years, the majority of the time under the wings of my German Chef, Markus. To this day a legacy of some sorts is on the menu - my favourite pizza has its name given by my mother. Though it must be said it was NOT my choice of name!
In fairness to him, it was his term of endearment, Cheffie, which has become my tag.

We were fortunate to have a regular guest who, being a British Master Chef, allowed me the opportunity to come and train to be a professional Chef. Understanding the basics of cooking is what I needed in order to develop as a Chef. To him I owe a huge debt of gratitude for allowing his passion to inspire an already addicted, yet somewhat naive Chef.
The patience, love and care that goes into Classical French Cookery is indeed something that forms the basics for many cultures all around the world. Getting it right, consistently, and ensuring the guest is satisfied is another.
Chef, whatever I might achieve in life is in no small part to your love, patience and inspirational tutelage you imparted all those years ago. THE best Chef Mentor one could ever hope for.

Moving through a succession of kitchens brought me into contact with my first 'fine-dining' experience.
An already established Seafood restaurant, it had a young team and the food we managed to produce - in all it's finery and attention to detail, led the New York Times labelling us as the Premier Choice for fine dining in Cape Town. An accolade that the staff was to be proud of!
Along came the proverbial Carlton Food TV appearance with a renowned London Chef and so the journey continued. Fascinating that one could achieve a lot in such a short space of time (I was a sprightly 27 year old!) - almost surreal in it's outcomes.

The lure of working internationally proved to be irresistible. My first position brought me into contact with some great guys in the kitchen - the difference in kitchen procedures, health, hygiene and overall standards were something that I had to acclimatize to.
Here I was cooking in the lap of the culinary centre of the world. Sure, Sydney, San Francisco, Hong Kong, New York and Paris were vying for the title - but in terms of affordability of food, availability of produce from around the world and a guest profile that was beginning to be widely travelled - none could match London!
The owners turned out to have somewhat unsavoury business practises (The less said the better - perhaps a story for a rainy day) and in the style of Gordon Ramsay so many years ago, the main staff walked out.


Author: Grant Hawthorne AKA Cheffie
Copyright. All rights reserved.

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  Inheritance across the borders
Posted by: emma - 18-11-2005, 01:52 AM - Forum: Business and Finance - No Replies

Can someone tell me if there is a restriction on inheritance money (amount)taken out from SA and being transfered to another country?
(Not sure if this is the correct forum...)

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  The hidden dangers of caffeine
Posted by: Guest - 16-11-2005, 05:47 PM - Forum: Your Health, Fitness and Wellbeing - No Replies

thought this a good article - a lot of ppl are addicted to caffeine in one form or another...


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  One Day: India v South Africa
Posted by: mcamp999 - 16-11-2005, 12:37 PM - Forum: SportsTalk - No Replies

Now if only we could carry our one day form to the test arena. I hope the one day side isn't peaking too soon.

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