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  To the Lance A cynics.
Posted by: TracyW - 25-07-2005, 07:38 AM - Forum: SportsTalk - Replies (4)

I found out a nugget of information yesterday. Lance Armstrong donated 1 Million of his own money to the Anti Doping Federation to purchase the latest piece of equipment. And this has not only been done now, but done when he was still being tested on the regular basis that they love to test the guy so he stood every chance of being "caught" by equipment that he had bought effectivly.

What say you to this Duckie??

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  Onse Vader
Posted by: oe-la-la - 24-07-2005, 02:27 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - Replies (2)

Onse Vader:

Ek kannie bid ONSE as ek net vir myself leef nie.
Ek kannie bid VADER as ek nie sy kind geword het
Ek kannie bid WAT IN DIE HEMEL IS as ek nog aardgebonde is nie
Ek kannie bid LAAT U NAAM GEHEILIG WORD as ek dit ydelik gebruik nie.
Ek kannie bid LAAT U KONINKRYK KOM as ek nie sy Woord uitdra nie.
Ek kannie bid LAAT U WIL GESKIED as ek altyd my eie sin wil hê nie.
Ek kannie bid om my DAAGLIKSE BROOD as ek spandabelrig lewe nie.
Ek kannie bid VERGEEF ONS ONS SKULDE as ek nie berou het nie.
Ek kannie bid SOOS ONS ONS SKULDENAARS VERGEWE en met 'n wrok rondloop nie.
Ek kannie bid AAN U BEHOORT DIE KONINKRYK as ek Jesus nie dien nie.
Ek kannie bid EN DIE KRAG as daar nog vrees in my hart is nie.
Ek kannie bid EN DIE HEERLIKHEID kom as ek my lewe regeer nie.
Ek kannie bid TOT IN EWIGHEID as ek nie Sy koms verwag nie.
Ek kannie sê AMEN as ek nie kinderlik glo nie. :engel:

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  Author Beverly Naidoo
Posted by: lols - 24-07-2005, 08:58 AM - Forum: The Book Club - No Replies

Has anyone read any of her books! They are more aimed at teenages but are very interesting. Her books are based on life through the eyes are mainly children growing up in South Africa.

Titles include

Journey to Jo'burg

This is the story of love, commitment and the flowering of the human spirit against the background of South Africa's apartheid. Frightened that their baby sister Dineo will die, thirteen-year-old Naledi and her younger brother Tiro run away from their grandmother to Johannesburg to find their mother, who works there as a maid. Their journey illustrates at every turn the grim realities of apartheid -- the pass laws, bantustans, racism, the breakdown of family life. The opulence of the white "Madam's" house contrasts starkly with the reality that Naledi and Tiro face -- that their baby sister is suffering from starvation, not an incurable disease.

The other side of Truth

Twelve-year-old Sade and her brother Femi have to flee Nigeria when their mother is killed and their father won't stop criticizing the military rulers. The woman paid to bring them to London as her children abandons them and they are alone in a new, often hostile, environment.

No turning back

Escaping from his violent stepfather, 12-year-old Sipho heads for Johannesburg, where he has heard that gangs of children live on the streets. But Sipho has to learn who to trust in the "new" South Africa.

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  Can't remember your password?
Posted by: ForumAdmin - 24-07-2005, 07:01 AM - Forum: Forum Information - No Replies


For future reference .. those who suffer a similar fate, simply drop ForumAdmin an email and then we can reset your password.



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Posted by: oe-la-la - 23-07-2005, 04:43 PM - Forum: Your Religion - Replies (4)

:wings: "As I was walking
down life's highway
many years ago

I came upon a
sign that read

Heavens Grocery Store.

When I got a
little closer

the doors swung
open wide

And when I came
to myself

I was standing

I saw a host of

They were
standing everywhere

One handed me a

and said "My
child shop with care."

Everything a
human needed

was in that
grocery store

And what you
could not carry

you could come
back for more

First I got some

Love was in that
same row.

Further down was

you need that
everywhere you go.

I got a box or
two of Wisdom

and Faith a bag
or two.

And Charity of

I would need some
of that too.

I couldn't miss
the Holy Ghost

It was all over
the place.

And then some

and Courage to
help me run this race.

My basket was
getting full

but I remembered
I needed Grace,

And then I chose
Salvation for

Salvation was for

I tried to get
enough of that to do

for you and me.

Then I started to
the counter

to pay my grocery

For I thought I
had everything

to do the Masters

As I went up the

I saw Prayer and
put that in,

For I knew when I
stepped outside

I would run into

Peace and Joy
were plentiful,

the last things
on the shelf.

Song and Praise
were hanging near

so I just helped

Then I said to
the angel

"Now how much do
I owe?"

He smiled and

"Just take them
everywhere you go."

Again I asked
"Really now,

How much do I

"My child" he
said, "God paid your bill

a long long time
ago." :wings:

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  Boks turn it around
Posted by: mcamp999 - 23-07-2005, 03:22 PM - Forum: Rugby Newsfeed - Replies (3)

and beat the Aussies quite convincingly

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Posted by: Cali - 23-07-2005, 01:14 PM - Forum: Rugby Newsfeed - Replies (11)

How can the opening of a test match be so emotional?

The first 15 minutes before the match - I was sobbing like a newborn!

The crowd singing Happy Birthday to Nelson Mandela - all the hip hip hoorays! Mrs Mandela giving the little mascot a huge big hug!

Then the anthem.... nothing like Ellis Park to lift the roof off!

It's now 6 minutes in - we're 3-0 up (looks like we might get a try soon as well) and I'm all cried out, clutching at a few tickets.

What is it about the Boks particulary that makes me sob and make me want to go home so badly. :hartlik:

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  Die Hemelkoor
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-07-2005, 03:20 PM - Forum: Boeke, musiek en gedigte - Replies (1)

The previous text replaced with the original from the author

[COLOR="Navy"]Alt in die hemelkoor deur © Corlietha Swart

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  Van Fairland na Amersfoort....
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 21-07-2005, 07:12 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - No Replies

Beeld-deurloop: Van Fairland na Amersfoort was eens te ver

Cecille Cilliers

Eenmaal 'n boer, altyd 'n boer, en daar waar my vriend Jon Tilley in 'n groot huis op 'n groot erf in Fairland, Johannesburg, woon, hang sy boere-onderrok by wyse van spreke uit.

Daar is tot onlangs aan die huis verbreek en verbou en die eens sierlike tuin is tot 'n rommelhoop omgeskep deur onbedagsame en onverantwoordelike bouers.

Maar nou is die bouwerk verby, die oorskiet sand, sement en stene verwyder en daar kan weer tuingemaak word.

Buite die kombuis is daar beddings kruie en suurlemoenbome vol vrugte, buite die voordeur geharkte gruis en formele potte met varings, maar aan die noordekant van die huis, daar waar die swembad was, het Jon sy tuin. Die lappie aarde is nie een tiende, ag, nie een honderdste van die grootte van die plase wat al onder sy sorg bestuur is nie, maar dis sýne, hier boer hy in sy wildernis.

Die swembad het hy tot visdam omgeskep, 'n diep visdam, en diep genoeg, sê Jon, sodat al sou daar hamerkoppe kom, of miskien 'n visarend, sal die visse onder die water kan wegduik . . .

Daar's karp in die dam, dié vreet onder, hou die water skoon, en straightfin barbs (weet ik!) wat die oppervlak vry hou van muskietlarwes en ander ondinge wat daar wil uitbroei.

Maar dit is nie 'n ekostelsel nie, maan Jon.
Op die eiland in die dam is daar allerlei uitheemse plantegroei, en daar's waterlelies op die water.

En die grasgroen gras wat die hele gebied bedek, is meerjarige roggras, ook nie inheems nie, maar dit saai homself en die eendjies is lief daarvoor.
Die eendjies is wel inheems, fraai witgesig nonnetjieseende, met hulle skerp fluitgeroep.

Daar's drie, 'n mannetjie en twee wyfies en hulle skarrel gelukkig rond in die groen gras, eet graag enige kos wat Jon hul le voer en sit rustig in die son op een been, kop onder die vlerk wanneer duttyd kom.

Hulle kom van Amersfoort af, vertel Jon toe ek vra en oorspronklik was daar vier, drie wyfies by die mannetjie. Maar die enetjie was heelwat kleiner as die ander en baie onrustig.
"Ek het 'n draad in die een hoek van my wildernis gespan om die nuwe grassaad teen die eende te beskerm," sê hy, "maar sy het konstant probeer om oor die draad te klouter, totdat ek verplig was om die draad weg te neem voor sy seerkry. Toe probeer sy oor die rotse klouter in die middel van die wildernis, so erg soekend en strewend dat sy soms vergeet het om te eet.
"En een oggend sit sy daar, saam met haar maats, kop onder die vlerk, maar toe ek nader gaan, besef ek sy is dood . . ."

Jon kon haar optrede nie verstaan nie, maar toe hy die rigting van haar verbete ontsnappogings meet, besef hy sy was op soek na 'n roete terug na Amersfoort.

En met 'n boer se kennis voeg hy by: Sy's natuurlik te vroeg uit haar omgewing en van haar familie weggeneem.
Sy verduideliking is sonder twyfel die korrekte een (eenmaal 'n boer, altyd 'n boer, en met boer se deurwinterde kennis), maar ek is geen boer nie en terwyl ek my verwonder oor voëls se wonderlike radarstelsels, klop my hart seer van verlies oor 'n klein, witgesig nonnetjieseend wat verhonger in haar verlange na Amersfoort.

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  Vir jaydubs71
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 21-07-2005, 11:50 AM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - Replies (20)

Hallo en welkom hier by die Afrkaanse forum.

Ons kan gerus hier kuier en klets. Daar is so 'n paar van ons.... gewoonlik kuier ons meestal aan die Engelse kant.

Jou Afrikaans is baie goed. Ek het vir 10 jaar in Holland gewoon. Dit was maar moeilik om Nederlands te praat, maar ek kon dit 100% verstaan.

Sien jou hier rond dan.... loer gerus gereeld in.


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