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You are what you eat
Quote:Originally posted by jewels

yum - all sounds good
i pushd myself at the gym on sat'day morning
i ran 4km in 20 mins - i thought good for my little leggies
then 6km cycle in 15 mins
then 10 min stepper
then shattered ! LOL

you shattered...:eek:....very good going 5min/km run..:thumbs:
Quote:Originally posted by Icecub

u lot okay today....??

well time to go and get ready for the ride to the airport.....:thumbs:

dolla....i hope u well and truly over your sorry i was in your bad dreams and not your good dreams....:haha: :haha: good today hey??


:haha: Don't worry, at least you comforted me! It was a bit distressing, especially as I had the same dream last week, but I didn't dream of you. Shumacher wedded us, how bisarre is that. I have absolutely no connection with Formula 1 at all :confused:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
hello all

i have been off

didnt eat for days but back on track now tho !
jabula was yummyyyyyyyy - had goats cheese, durban curry, and pecan nut pie !!!!

this morning
warm water with lemon
fresh blueberries and strawberries
a banana

just had 4 milk tray chocs tho Sad

brought in a turky ham salad with lots of tomatoes for fibre (toks !!!)

trying not to eat the carrot cake a birthday girl brought in !

how are u all - i have missed u !!! must catch up the posts i missed

Hello Jewels, welcome back, we missed you!

Here is my menu for today:

Mango, peach and banana fruit salad, warm water with lemon, more water

Sunflower seeds and pine kernels, decaf coffee

Salmon and cottage cheese salad, more water


No idea about dinner yet, I am meeting up with some girlie friends for a drink and gossip, so probably only liquid dinner Wink

Jewels, I have been altering my exercise program slightly, which is very good me thinks.
Tuesday night I ran 4km in 20mins as well. I am trying to average a km in 5 minutes now. Tomorrow night it is the big 5km Big Grin ugh, and then Saturday two aerobic classes again Rolleyes

Cubbie, you must be so excited, have a wonderful time with you mum!!!
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
:haha: Don't worry, at least you comforted me! It was a bit distressing, especially as I had the same dream last week, but I didn't dream of you. Shumacher wedded us, how bisarre is that. I have absolutely no connection with Formula 1 at all :confused:

Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie

I know! :haha:
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
I know! :haha:

right peeps I'am out of the office for the next hour or so..:thumbs:
going for a run...Wink later..
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
Jewels, I have been altering my exercise program slightly, which is very good me thinks.
Tuesday night I ran 4km in 20mins as well. I am trying to average a km in 5 minutes now. Tomorrow night it is the big 5km Big Grin ugh, and then Saturday two aerobic classes again Rolleyes

Cubbie, you must be so excited, have a wonderful time with you mum!!!

hi bokkie


u are very good - ur food also sounds yummy
i love salmon and cottage cheese - i mith get soem at lunchtime for tomorrows lunch
rick did the shopping y'day and half of the things he missed ;(
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
right peeps I'am out of the office for the next hour or so..:thumbs:
going for a run...Wink later..

enjoy the run Big Grin

so - u go during lunchtime at work?
i couldtn do that - too busy on the streets and my gym is near my house
also - takes me an hour to shower and put my face back on :haha:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
hi bokkie


u are very good - ur food also sounds yummy
i love salmon and cottage cheese - i mith get soem at lunchtime for tomorrows lunch
rick did the shopping y'day and half of the things he missed ;(

Hmm, I know what you mean! Big Grin I don't trust anybody doing my shopping, or without me, I know exactly what I want Wink

Toks, enjoy your run. I admire you doing it in lunch hour. I rather spend mine on GB!
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
Hmm, I know what you mean! Big Grin I don't trust anybody doing my shopping, or without me, I know exactly what I want Wink

Toks, enjoy your run. I admire you doing it in lunch hour. I rather spend mine on GB!

right I'am back...yes Jewels/Dolla run during my lunch hour and very fortunate we have a shower at run takes me out of the city away from the through Wapping..out to nearly Canary Wharf and back..cannals all the way...:thumbs:
I get home to late for any sort of training...Sad

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