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Not very clued up about this. What is the difference & which one is better?
I am thinking of changing from dial up to either one of these.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Oops or is it ADSL?
Found this for you Smile


Assuming both ISDN and ADSL are available in your area, the choice depends on a number of factors:

* If you frequently use two or more telephone lines for voice connections, ISDN may be attractive to you. This is especially true if you typically connect to the Internet several times a day but for only an hour or two. An ISDN BRI line supports not only 128 kbps Internet access but also two telephone connections (voice) and a fax connection.
* If a high-speed and/or a dedicated 24 x 7 Internet connection is what you are looking for, then ADSL is probably the right solution.

Price is of course also a factor...
I really need to learn more about this internet stuff.
Thanks for the info Jangar.
Think I should maybe go for the ADSL.
Curio Wrote:Thanks for the info Jangar.
Think I should maybe go for the ADSL.

Without knowing your internet "habits" or the costs of either I would recommend ADSL purely for the speed...

Here is some more reading for you to do Smile

Haven't read it all yet....

*** EDIT ***

They talk about braais on that page !!!! I'm totally :dazed: Big Grin

*** Nog a EDIT***

Must be a SAffer site as they talk about Telkom too...

Actually it's a well written article / comparison for us laymen Smile
TheDuck has been from normal dial up to ISDN to ADSL

and if you use the internet for a couple of hours a day minimum, then ADSL is the way to go

ISDN was costing us a great deal more in the end than ADSL

ADSL is without doubt the best

We've got's so much quicker...blink of an eyelid and you're connected.
Curio I am purely talking out of a SA viepoint.

I have used broadband and ISDN all over the world but in SA I had computer centres on both.

I can and never will recommend ISDN. It's a "super dailup" that will cost you way much more than BB long before you know it.

I had endless problems with cxomputers dailing up and eventually sat with R2k telephone accounts.

The good news : Because of upcoming competition and seriously bad publicity on their pricing Telkom reduced their BB . ADSL prices dramatically.

It depends what you do (but as far as I know you are young with no / young kids). In that sense if speed is not a major concern go for HomeDSL192 (my bru has it and he is happy). Uploads are at 64k and download 's (the important one is at 192kb and is R329 p.m.

On the other end you get a household like me and Almitra .. we have BusinessDSL512 (the highest now in SA). For R699 we get 4 "dail up's so on one account you can use it in your two businesses and one at home and give one to antie marie. But be warned you are always capped to 3 Gig download.

If you go past it you are NOT cut off - your bandwidth are just throttled ..

You get 10 x 30 minutes free in hot spotsetc etc .. it works for me as mommy has her kaputer - network to the two daughters kaputers and son has his laptop wireless in his room. When daddy visits I am the 5th one on my wireless lapdog - so a happy famliy all connected.

My boet's kids are too young yet and he is happy with one connection and download his porn and stuff. Wink Sis in law says computers stay online in the office ... verstaan ?

I can give you his number any time to phone and ask him (he is in Pta) and did the installation a week or two ago.

Hope it helps ok:

Curio ISDN is basically an ancient technology. It is off the market over here and if Telkom hadnt screwed up there marketing of it, it would ahve been gone in SA by now too. I still ahve an 11 year old mag in SA in my stuff where Telkom trumpets the arrival of ISDN. They then proceeded to over price the product terribly and it never sold. With the advent of ADSL on the horizon they tried desperately to get some money out of IDSN by dropping the call charges and aiming it at home users. They also delayed the roll out of ADSL in order to try and push people to ISDN. Even with the rpice reductions it really isnt worth it to jsut have a basic 64k up and down (althought if you bond channels and incur double the costs you can ahve 128k). As FB says go for ADSL. Whilst I still feel it is ludicrously expensive in SA - we sell 3meg BB with a 40gig cap for the same price as Telkoms cheapest ADSL - it is still a far better alternative to ISDN.

However...... if you live more than a few miles from your local exchange ADSL might not be available and then you will ahve no choice but to go for ISDN. If you ahve no other choice......
picanin Wrote:However...... if you live more than a few miles from your local exchange ADSL might not be available and then you will ahve no choice but to go for ISDN. If you ahve no other choice......

You can check if you will have ADSL coverage here :

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