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Week 25's Trivial Pursuit
Finally a question I could answer Smile

But that isn't important, what's important is that you know the answer :haha:

Good morning and happy Monday everyone.

What country was the third to put a human in orbit?
China Smile
dudette Wrote:China Smile


In October 2003. The astronaut was Lt. Col. Yang Liwel; his spacecraft, the Shenahou V (Divine Vessel). The first countries to send astronauts into orbit were the USSR in 1961, and the US in 1963.

In the Back to the Future film triology, what speed did Doc Brown have to reach in his DeLorean time machine to get it to travel through time?
88mph Smile
dudette Wrote:88mph Smile


What famous poet immoralized head lice with his poem "To a Louse"? Hint: He also wrote the poem "To a Mouse".
Robbie Burns
penelope Wrote:Robbie Burns


The full title of his ode is "To louse, On Seeing One on a Lady's Bonnet, at Church".

What was the price of admission when the first drive-in movie theater opened in Camden, New Jersey, in 1933?
25 cents?
dudette Wrote:25 cents?


25 cents per car plus 25cents for each occupant - with a $1 ceiling per car.

What pop singer's birth name is Yorgos Kyriatou Panayioutou?
I'm sure this is George Micheal

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