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Schools on the mainland..
Can you lot tell me if the schools in the Uk are different to ours here on the Isle of Man, my son has physical problems but is very bright .. here on the Isle they mix the kids with special needs with the other other words no special schools are required...just have special needs areas in the school....they are all integrated together which is lovely to see....

Do they have the same facilities in the schools across??

If so...have u noticed if they have special needs co-ordinators with the kids, and have they integrated well with the other kids..

Or do they have separate schools for that???
Icecubbie, I work at a school. And itÂ’s all very mixed. At our particular school we only have one little boy who is physically disabled. He has very bad eyesight and is partially deaf. He has a Teaching Assistant on a one to one basis but apart from that he is included in everything from the skipathon's to swimming.

All the special needs children (whether its Autistic or learning problem, behaviour problem etc) depending on their status whether they have been assess to need one to one and have a statement of special needs. Most of the teaching assistants take small groups of children out of the classroom at various times during the day.

In Dorset/Hampshire there are "Special Schools" but these are mainly for children could not handle mainstream schools.
Quote:Originally posted by lols
Icecubbie, I work at a school. And itÂ’s all very mixed. At our particular school we only have one little boy who is physically disabled. He has very bad eyesight and is partially deaf. He has a Teaching Assistant on a one to one basis but apart from that he is included in everything from the skipathon's to swimming.

All the special needs children (whether its Autistic or learning problem, behaviour problem etc) depending on their status whether they have been assess to need one to one and have a statement of special needs. Most of the teaching assistants take small groups of children out of the classroom at various times during the day.

In Dorset/Hampshire there are "Special Schools" but these are mainly for children could not handle mainstream schools.

Thanks for your input Lols....will do some further investigations.....Smile
Quote:Originally posted by Icecub
Thanks for your input Lols....will do some further investigations.....Smile

No problem. If you need more info send me a pm and I can ask around etc.

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