19-08-2004, 08:25 PM
Quote:Originally posted by FlyingBok
I tried to call you when I was in London as I walked from shop to shop and could not find any
I still have 65 mb left on the lapdog's hard drive and wish to take the giant step
DO you have a copy of the latest reccomendation ?
Oom soek oom nie 'n copy van Madrake move? Dan toets jy hom uit sonder om te install? Indien wel, email my jou pos address - my email is penguin@nerdstotherescue.co.uk
PS Die email address sal seker eers oor 'n paar uure werk.
PS was that 65gb or 65mb that you have left? If it is mb then you dont have enough space so Mandrake Move will be best.