24-08-2004, 08:26 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Zulu_Foxtrot
Thanks, (but I was just clearing my throat) anyhow I digress, it would be a good idea for your son to see his father sooner rather than later, I am in a similar predicament but with the children's mother.
In all the research I have done and in all the people I have spoken to it is far better for the child when entering adulthood to ask and see for themselves why the errant parent left, I know it is hard for you (but that is why they do not allow people in the UK to own guns) so bite your tongue have faith in your son and let him find out for himself - might be a good idea though to have a third party present (like a big burly policeman)
I love your comment about guns! :rofl: I can't say that I've not imagined using one! :mad:
I think the presence of a third part is an excellent idea. I'd certainly insist on someone being with my son if he was to see his dad. The bigger & burlier the man, the better!
