07-09-2004, 03:07 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Pronkertjie
We will get the whole outfit to protect our hair, plus the goggles!
I don't believe the BBC employs the SAS to do any form of protection... be it for your hair or not
May I suggest a hair net - its a lot less costly, really South African... and most of all it can be used for great camera angles to shoot at whilst you nibble on your respective wors's
Though do make sure you spray some form of fire retardant in it before use - wouldn't want to invoke the wrath of the Health and Safety Executive by standing too close to the fake fire and ending up looking for a wig by the end of the afternoon's jolly exploits
If the goggles can't be found.. just remove the hairnet and arrange the strands carefully over the eyes (this presumes that you have long hair to start with) and then proceed as normal whilst drivingblind and trying to avoid big burly truckers who'd like to steal your boerewors and replace them with proper British standard BBQ food.... the burger
Though whether the SAS will charge the BBC for cruel and unusual torture remains to be seen...