22-02-2005, 02:06 PM
Bushwacker Wrote:Shhhh, what was that? :eek:
I thought I heard a bear, possibly a cubbie bear......!
I'm still here ice-Cubbie!
Hows the fan-damily?
Did you have a good Xmas?
Was the start to the new year good?
Any new exciting news?
You still house-hunting?
Enough questions to start a conversation...!
Hello hello hello....
ja she is here.....

fandamily doing well.....
no not such a good xmas as son was laid up in plaster so he was not happy....but he is okay now..:thumbs:
was a good start then hubby's dad passed away so being abit quiet here...
no news is good news at the moment hey??
ja..still vewing houses....viewed another shack today....not as good as my old shack back home with swimming pool..although this shack had the sea for a garden..not bad hey??

so how's u and the fandamily????