28-07-2005, 07:56 AM
No takers ?
Then I guess I'll just do a :cheer: then :p
Buckminister Fuller, who is best known for the geodesic dome. His 20-foot-long, teardrop-shaped Dymaxion car, the precursor of today's minivan, was intended to be capable of flight - when the appropiate alloys and engines became available.
Why are the khaki rucksacks carried by soldiers in the U.S. Army called Alice packs?
Then I guess I'll just do a :cheer: then :p
Buckminister Fuller, who is best known for the geodesic dome. His 20-foot-long, teardrop-shaped Dymaxion car, the precursor of today's minivan, was intended to be capable of flight - when the appropiate alloys and engines became available.
Why are the khaki rucksacks carried by soldiers in the U.S. Army called Alice packs?