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Change in bubs eating habits
He sounds a bit like my son Andreas, who is now 9 months...

I would say that it is normal for him to want to lay and be awake more. Andreas was like this too, and he has a very healthy appetite normally. I was giving breast though. We started him on solids when he was about the same age as Josh, those porridges for babies of 4 months..try with the fruity ones first though, cause bubs will like the sweet taste...

We had done this with Andreas' evening meal, then still breastfeeding inbetween like normal. By the time he was 5 months, he was ready for breakfast and dinner solids. Now he eats three meals a day, he eats what we eat pretty much, and he gets ca. 750 ml normal cows milk/supplement a day plus a snack between brekkie and lunch, and lunch and dinner...

The reason we introduced him to solids was because he seemed to not be satisfied with the quantity of milk, it was not making him full enough. Our nurse said it was fine to introduce him to solids at 3½ months...provided he still had a major intake of milk...

I think you must go with what your heart says, follow your own maternal instincts on this one. All babies are different. I am sure Josh will let you know if he is hungry...
*Doer of healing rituals and keeper of brooms.*

*Water flows, Wind blows, Fire glows, Earth grows, Magic shows.*

Messages In This Thread
Change in bubs eating habits - by Bean of Love - 29-07-2005, 03:24 PM
Change in bubs eating habits - by Venus - 29-07-2005, 08:45 PM
Change in bubs eating habits - by Bean of Love - 29-07-2005, 09:35 PM
Change in bubs eating habits - by Venus - 29-07-2005, 10:37 PM
Change in bubs eating habits - by dudette - 29-07-2005, 10:40 PM
Change in bubs eating habits - by Ameniatha - 05-08-2005, 08:04 AM

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