12-02-2004, 10:29 AM
There are non-medical problems that can also cause these symptoms. Things like the stress of a new environment, friends, having to concentrate, do homework, etc.
But the most likely of these is ...Bullying! If a kid doesn't want to go to school, and seem tired and stressed so that they are not resting properly, etc the first thing I'd try to eliminate are ther non-medical things, and only having proved them not to be an issue, will I then fight the GP's to investigate further.
Good Luck.
But the most likely of these is ...Bullying! If a kid doesn't want to go to school, and seem tired and stressed so that they are not resting properly, etc the first thing I'd try to eliminate are ther non-medical things, and only having proved them not to be an issue, will I then fight the GP's to investigate further.
Good Luck.