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Evita for President...
The other evening I went to a show of Evita (yes Pieter Dirk Ys)
He was very entertaining, and as he says, he thought he had lots of material to rip off politicians in the past, imagine how much he has now...
Nowone was spared. The funniest sketch was when he came out as Pik..
Now that Pik is effectively part of the ANC, he had his moustache and his party flag and colours, fell out of our chairs...
I must admit that although it was amusing, it really hit home about how much rubbish we all have to put up with when it comes to the politicians. And the frightening thing is they can be corrupt, abuse funds, not maintain infrastructure, let schooling and hospital standards drop, and they will be just re-elected again. It was actually a little depressing.
Hey, I'm one of the most positive okes you'll find around about our beautiful country, but lately things have been getting a bit much.
My guess is that this will be the worst year for all the rubbish. Crime is spiralling in my area of Durban (at our homes and at factories)
There are constantly crimes happening around us, hijackings, housebreaking, and many factories are being broken into to steal computers. There are apparently large syndicates operating and computers apparently go into "previously disadvantaged schools". One can imagine how much the government would want to clamp down on that...
Robots either don't work sometimes at intersections all over Durban. The lights are sometimes dull at the robots, perhaps the bright lights are being used in homes and being replaced by normal bulbs, but just as dangerous. Electricity cuts are all over the place, fortunatley not too bad in Durban. But in all the municipalities the capable people have been replaced by the clueless, what can result. When that has been done in politics, schools, police, hospitals, I suppose we are lucky things work at all...
There, as it is...
I'm part of a proactive group called """ and it has a degree of success. I say that because if we all got involved, we could make a big difference. I mean all of us in the middle of the crime. Many of you have less (no longer none I believe) crime around you.
How this works is that whenever someone sees something suspicious or an actual crime has taken place, we use a large web of cellphones and tell each other. It all goes through one guy. The text message then gets sent to all others on the list, and we all become aware of things.
I say that we are having limited success because the majority of people in the surrounding neighbourhoods have not signed up for the R25 monthly fee. Hard to believe that people would not want to pay a few squid for this. I suppose most think they pay enough for security companies and taxes for the police. But when I had arrived at a breakin (our security alarm company told us) a month ago at my business premises and I was the first there, how do you think I got hold of backup?? Yes, tried to phone the cops, no answer, sent an sms (text message) and the cops and security guys arrived. Many of the cops are on this sms network. Can you imagine the time it saves to have the cops know where you have a problem and respond immediatletly, rather than having to first spell your name 3 times and then there is the correct spelling of the address... Anyway, check out the website, interesting to see what sms's get sent.
I took some goods to the airport this morning, cops everywhere because we had a strike and the strikers do what they please when they take to the streets. Ja schools closed, public servants striking, nurses, and all sorts of others that wanted a holiday. Just coincidentally, our chief political party will be having a big conference shortly, most of this is just flexing of muscles by some in their allience. A pity all the strikers are actually pawns in a larger political game. In principle I say pay them more, but that is hard to reconcile when hears what many of these people get up to. Teachers don't arrive at work, there are molesters, all sorts of incompetence. Cops are involved in all sorts of corruption and are usually not happy with their working conditions. Nurses are generally much of the same. Ja, I feel sorry for those that carry the load in all these areas. Because it is all being held together.....just...
And the guys at the top of the politics?? They have big salaries, armed guards, best private schools, best education for their kids. Alot of "I'm alright Jack!" And therein lies the problem of Africa. If you're at the top of the pile, who cares who is below...
I met a policeman at the airport and we were talking about such things. He said he was in the townships, speaking to an old man. The old man took his grand-daughter down the road to get some sweets, as any nice grand-dad would do all over the world. He was stopped by 2 youths witha knife and a gun. They ruffed him up and took the few rands he had on him... He then said to one them that he had taken one of their mothers to the hospital years before so she could give birth to one of these gangsters!! Apparently they gave the money back and left. Ja, this crime is hitting everyone the same.
That same policeman had a dog (a lovely retriever) with him and it was sniffing for exposives. While I was talking to him, the guys at the other end of the radio were calling for him. Someone had driven a municipal bus onto the road near all the police vans and then abandoned it. They wanted him to come and check for explosives. We shook hands and I wondered whether there was a real threat...
When our nurses go on strike they apparently stop people in desperate need of medical attention from getting into the hospitals. people have lost their lives as a result. I heard on the radio how one woman waited for 12 hours for an ambulance and lost her baby that she was trying to deliver. It's that sort of stuff that makes you want to get rid of nurses like that...
The baddies seem to all be running around and all of us lock ourselves away every night, with alarms etc...
A few weeks ago, while people were in a restaurant, they were all held up and apparently someone dropped a plate and there was shooting. Some got injured and one young guy got killed, it is really like the Wild West here at the moment.
All that I've told you above may seem distressing, and it is. It's just amazing
how we just adapt and get on with our lives. Yes, we're taking big risks on a daily basis, but this is our home and we're going to make the best of it, damn it we're going to get this thing right...
There are better and SAFER places in the world. I suppose at the moment we feel that having the grandparents part of our daughters life is worth the risk. We are so lucky to have them to help to look after her and she loves them all.
There are too many good people in this country of South Africa to let things slide too far. This will be the worst year, things will get better from here, they have to...
Planning a trip to the midlands in a few months time. A whole gang of us are staying in a lekka spot. Going on a few more trips, hunting and fishing as well in the next few months.
The weather in Durban is magic at the moment. Good to hear UK is having some nice weather too.
There is still an economic boom happening all over the country, not sure what is feeding this, but it's happening at an alarming rate.
Consider yourselves updated.
Minister for the Motherland

Messages In This Thread
Evita for President... - by disting - 13-06-2007, 06:53 PM
Evita for President... - by TheDuck - 13-06-2007, 07:13 PM
Evita for President... - by Pronkertjie - 13-06-2007, 09:48 PM
Evita for President... - by Ray - 14-06-2007, 05:01 AM
Evita for President... - by Cheffie - 15-06-2007, 12:40 AM
Evita for President... - by disting - 06-08-2007, 07:11 PM
Evita for President... - by Pronkertjie - 07-08-2007, 11:30 AM

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