09-01-2006, 11:02 AM
bro Wrote:I was there only for a short spell, 1978 std 8, the following names still ring a bell, Frank Horn, Andre Robarts, Mark Bondietti, Brian Watts, Anthony Shapiro, (think someof them were a year below) memory getting dimmer... :mmm:We must have trodden a very similar path at times...
Those guys were a year below me but I remember bumping into them from time to time... They used to hang around the shop nr. JvRiebeeck school a lot.
I lost my 2 front teeth in a diving accident while staying at Andre Roberts' holiday home in Worcester! Used to mess around on the trampolines and trapeze at the YMCA (Obs/Woodstock?) with him too.
Did you know Richard Hoffman? I'd like to know what he's up to these days.