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A stupid crazy idiots run in an area unknown
TheDuck Wrote:wifey was a little concerned

geen hou bene hou

it was a crazy experience

I am laughing but I am also feeling for you .... but I know what it feels like.... not quite with running, but I decided to go up and down the towers of Warwick Castle on a day I was feeling really weak in the knees. There was a very big sign saying you have to go up and down all three towers. They are very steep..... it went on and on.... thought I was going to pass out.

Glad you surived and I can believe it that wifey was concerned!!

Messages In This Thread
A stupid crazy idiots run in an area unknown - by TracyW - 04-07-2006, 12:50 PM
A stupid crazy idiots run in an area unknown - by Pronkertjie - 04-07-2006, 06:22 PM

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