10-01-2007, 06:01 PM
Ndlovu Wrote:Crikey, I hope it does not take me long to move on. We met 5 years ago, got engaged a year later. I feel that I have made peace with the fact that she is out the door and I cannot change that.
I've purged the flat of all of her things, she's got the photo albums , the neg's are in the loft, I've put all the digital pic's on disc and those are in the loft too. Out of sight out of mind as it were.
We are likely to part on fairly amicable terms, as we really did just want different things from life and had outgrown each other.
I think I'll find it easier if I have no contact from her and hopefully not hear of her either, the not hearing of her will be tricky due to the mutual friends but I think they'll understand if I ask not to be given any news on her life.
I'll cross that bridge when I get to it ...
My wee problem pales in comparrison to some of the tales found on these boards so that helps keep perspective...
It'll take as long as it takes. Wish there was a quick fix for this but unfortunately not. Please do not play down your pain ('pales in comparrison'), its as real as physical pain.
I'm impressed you kept the negs -and discs. Given time you'll face them and be able to do with them what you want as a purge.
When my marriage broke down I had the greastest time cutting him out of the photo's and slowly cutting his face up - as for the wedding photo's they made for a nice fire. :p
Women tend to think that men pick up the pieces quicker than us but I think you guys might suffer more as you tend to keep it bottled up. Don't do that.
You're friends will be awkward around you (and her) incase they say something that might upset you (or her). Be paitent with them