16-01-2004, 08:45 AM
Quote:Originally posted by TracyW
Hiya Cub
There seems to be a "bug" going around, various strains. I was up the whole night on Tuesday night vomiting and a friend had the the upset tummy version. I slept most of yesterday and still don't feel 100% today. No use going to the doc's I guess as they will just call it either a bug or a virus.
Best thing I think would be to put him to bed and let him sleep it off.
I hope u feeling better though....
I had him dressed for school this morning....but he has just spent another 30 min on the loo...so i guess this is the tummy bug and not a 24 hr one...eish....i shall let him rest today and get some of that solution to make sure he does not dehydrate......