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Sigh, what to do.....?
My 5 year old daughter started school in September. A couple of months after she started, the teacher confronted me and told me that she is tired and weepy in class - very listless.

We made every effort to get her homework done early and get her into bed earlier...... she is in bed between 7pm and 8pm every night - on most nights she is getting a good 12 hours sleep!

She has been a little clingy and weepy in the mornings of late and she wakes up with puffy eyes and a really pale face and makes excuses about not going to school for the day. Well this morning, after running quite happliy like a madman all the way to school with her friend..... the teacher asked me again if I have done anything about her tiredness, because there has been no improvement. Some days I give her 5mls of Calpol hoping that it will get her through the day because she looks so dreadful.

I don't have much faith in the doctors here. I took her a couple of times to 2 different doctors at the surgery regarding a sore stomach that she constantly complained about. All tests on urine etc have come out negative. The second doctor said that kids experience migraines in their stomachs instead of their heads like adults and put it down to that (.......?). Not once have they done a blood test to look into things further......

At the moment I have her on multi-vitimins and recently added a spoonful of Cod Liver Oil - should I take her back to the doctor or continue with the vitimin route?

Any advice would be appreciated...... thank you!
mars bars:p
Quote:Originally posted by squeaky
mars bars:p

Sigh, sorry maybe I am asking the wrong people.......

Hi Egnat
If your daughter is also experiencing an incrediable thirst and wants to drink constantly alonside the tiredness I would suggest going to the doctors just to check her blood sugar. If not try some of the following natural type remedies. Put one drop or two of pure essential oils on her pillow at night. Either camomile or lavender to help not only with the duration of sleep but the quaility of sleep. Also try some rooibos tea it reported to be very good for listlessness and of cause it has other wonderful qualities. Wink See my thread. The other factor could be the stress of starting school . And she may be struggling with adjusting to the new experience . If that is so, take it in stride, give her support and understanding and with time she will find the transition less stressful. I would suggest taking her periodically to the doctors for a while if the tiredness continues. It my resolve on its own anyway without any intervention .
I am no medical expert by any means, but maybe she is anaemic? You should insist your doctor take blood tests.

I am sure she is probably pining for you at school, and maybe she does not like it (who does), but it should not affect her health like this!!
Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
--Mahatma Gandhi
Thanks for your advice Piglet and Pam M. I have put my pride into my pocket and booked her into the doctor next week. Hopefully they will come up with something for a change, because I am at my wits end.

It is a actually worrying when you feel helpless for an ongoing problem.........
Quote:Originally posted by egnat

Thanks for your advice Piglet and Pam M. I have put my pride into my pocket and booked her into the doctor next week. Hopefully they will come up with something for a change, because I am at my wits end.

It is a actually worrying when you feel helpless for an ongoing problem.........

I have just read through your thread egnat.........just a bit of advice from a Brit......INSIST that the doctor does blood tests!!!!! Dont let them fob you off......a mother knows when there is something not right with her child and I think sometimes the doctors think we are just fussing......I agree with others that maybe the "SHOCK" of going to school is taking its toll......but I would still want to have her checked out medically.

Good luck
Quote:Originally posted by suep
I have just read through your thread egnat.........just a bit of advice from a Brit......INSIST that the doctor does blood tests!!!!! Dont let them fob you off......a mother knows when there is something not right with her child and I think sometimes the doctors think we are just fussing......I agree with others that maybe the "SHOCK" of going to school is taking its toll......but I would still want to have her checked out medically.

Good luck

Well, I took my daughter to the doctor this afternoon and thank goodness the doctor noticed her colour and puffy eyes too. Usually when I take my kids to the doctor they bounce around quite happily........ can be quite infuriating when they are meant to look sick for the occasion.

Tomorrow we are going for a blood test - apparently very uncommon for 5 year olds in this country and therefore it is going to take a couple of hours to do with anthesthetic cream etc.

Even if it all comes out negative, I would rather all the options were checked - even if just for my piece of mind
I am really chuffed that the doctors are finally taking notice of you and your daughter. I just hope that all goes well when she gets her blood tests done. Also, I hope it is nothing too serious. Thanks for keeping us informed!
Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
--Mahatma Gandhi
Quote:Originally posted by egnat
Even if it all comes out negative, I would rather all the options were checked - even if just for my piece of mind
Thank goodness that the doctor's are doing this. It will go a long way to easing your worry, whatever the are now closer to finding out what is causing her listlessness....

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