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Squarefoot Gardening
Has anyone else ever come across this concept of gardening?

It is like a highly evolved version of the peace gardens back in South Africa.

They do have a website (I was surprised to discover) at

The premise is very simple, and once the initial work and financial outlay has been done, it seems very efficient and cost effective to maintain.
This is a great idea Bushbaby.....

This will really work for where I am..... will definately look into if for next Spring.

It is a great system to use, especially on poor ground.

It would not do for longterm crops such as asparagus which will occupy a bed for several years, but for just about everything else it works brilliantly. I am trying to get my local church community enthused by this idea as it would be a great way to provide extra food for struggling families without a significant and ongoing cash outlay.

Thanks for the link, certainly something to think about next year.

:bb: :bb:
Joan, if you choose to try this method, let me know how you get on.

I am going to set up two 4 x 4 boxes in the backyard for next year. Can't wait to get my hands dirty again!
Thanks, BB. I've bookmarked the page & will give it a try next spring, when we're in our new house. :thumbs:
Bushbaby Wrote:Joan, if you choose to try this method, let me know how you get on.

I am going to set up two 4 x 4 boxes in the backyard for next year. Can't wait to get my hands dirty again!
I certainly hope to do so next season, I love getting soil under my nails and then srubbing myself clean!

Do keep on reminding us please BB and teach us what to plant at what stage, I have been thinking about an allotment, but I honestly do no have the time...
Venus Wrote:Thanks, BB. I've bookmarked the page & will give it a try next spring, when we're in our new house. :thumbs:

I see that these gardens need Confusedunny: and the only Confusedunny: part of the garden is the atrium and that is too nice to be used for a squarefoot garden Smile I could fell a few trees and remove some bushes in the garden though :p
Joan Wrote:I certainly hope to do so next season, I love getting soil under my nails and then srubbing myself clean!

Do keep on reminding us please BB and teach us what to plant at what stage, I have been thinking about an allotment, but I honestly do no have the time...

Hi Joan,

I can post up a generic planting chart, and you would just have to adjust this to your local conditions. If the winter is a hard one some things might need to be started later in the year, or started off indoors (I do this anyway to maximise growing time for things like tomatoes, peppers, beans, etc).
Bushbaby Wrote:Hi Joan,

I can post up a generic planting chart, and you would just have to adjust this to your local conditions. If the winter is a hard one some things might need to be started later in the year, or started off indoors (I do this anyway to maximise growing time for things like tomatoes, peppers, beans, etc).
BB, that sounds great, my biggest problem with winter plants would be that I go to visit SA from middle January to middle February each year, and I do not want to bother anyone to look after my plants.
I am so keen on this square gardening, next summer I am going to suppy Sainsbury's , Tesco, Summerfield and Morrisons with my crops!

Do not let this thread die....

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