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You are what you eat
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
Lunch - chicken (H fried some chicken in a honey and soy sauce, yum), tomato and gherkin salad

ohhhhhhhh it is so interesting to hear what others eat
i think u have such different foods
honey and soy sauce - that sounds lovely - i would bever think of that - do u mix the sauce yourselves?

ps - :thumbs: for ur thread dolla - and all the posts !!!!!
Quote:Originally posted by Icecub
eish morning dolla...going to miss u like long u going for??Sad

Sad and me ? :bigcry:
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla

Speaking of sweet, I could not resist that blerrie packet of M&M's. Yep, they are in my tum! :innocent:

aha - u restore my faith !!!! u falter sometimes !!! :thumbs:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
Sad and me ? :bigcry:

why where u going?? u also going away?? Sad
Quote:Originally posted by Icecub
eish morning dolla...going to miss u like long u going for??Sad

I will be back in the office on the 20th of September, will probably not be online for a few days, as my boss leaves for her hols the day I am back Sad

Glad I will be missed, I want to hear all about what you ate while I am away :haha:

I am going to miss you all
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
ohhhhhhhh it is so interesting to hear what others eat
i think u have such different foods
honey and soy sauce - that sounds lovely - i would bever think of that - do u mix the sauce yourselves?

ps - :thumbs for ur thread dolla - and all the posts !!!!!

I tell you, my H is a boffin in the kitchen. He mixed barbeque sauce (the HP one), some honey and soya sauce and just marinated the chicken for a few minutes. Then fried it in a pan and returned it to the marinade.We kept it overnight in the fridge and just added it to the salad.
Very simple, but oh so nice Wink

We are actually trying to empty our freezer (don't know WHY H decided that LOL) so loads of chicken to be had Sick

Fanks Jewels, this thread is definitely for my benefit as well, otherwise I might have given up ages ago and just gorged myself in M&M's. (see I told you I am human :rofl: )
Dolla is going away..:bigcry:...but she is coming back..:thumbs:

you people are far to healthy...unlike me..Big Grin
your chicken sounds great dolla...jewels no porkie pies..Wink
made spaghetti bolognaise last night..was divine..with some cheese bread....Wink Wink Wink
Quote:Originally posted by Icecub
made spaghetti bolognaise last night..was divine..with some cheese bread....Wink Wink Wink

love sphagetti...and garlic I'am hungry...Rolleyes
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
love sphagetti...and garlic I'am hungry...Rolleyes

Ag people I got so upset yesterday. I realised that garlic does not go good with my tum, it makes it ache like crazy. How am I going to survive without garlic and garlic bread?? :bigcry:

Cubbie, your spag bol sound great, I haven't had that in ages!
Oe, red wine Toks, now you are talking. Have a great bottle open at home, Oxford Landing. Yum yum

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