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You are what you eat
Quote:Originally posted by Leigh
She is off with a tummy bug!

Aw Jewels honey, I hope you get better soon!
Quote:Originally posted by Leigh
She is off with a tummy bug!

all that bad food at Jubula's......:haha:

u lot okay today....??

well time to go and get ready for the ride to the airport.....:thumbs:

dolla....i hope u well and truly over your sorry i was in your bad dreams and not your good dreams....:haha: :haha: good today hey??

Quote:Originally posted by Icecub

u lot okay today....??

well time to go and get ready for the ride to the airport.....:thumbs:

dolla....i hope u well and truly over your sorry i was in your bad dreams and not your good dreams....:haha: :haha: good today hey??


I'AM ALWAYS GOOD......Big Grin ..where you going cubs?..Sad
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
I'AM ALWAYS GOOD......Big Grin ..where you going cubs?..Sad

to fetch my Mom at the airport.......yay yay :cheer: :cheer:
Quote:Originally posted by Icecub
to fetch my Mom at the airport.......yay yay :cheer: :cheer:

thats great...grany ice cub is coming to town..:thumbs:
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
thats great...grany ice cub is coming to town..:thumbs:

Wink Big Grin Wink Big Grin
hello all

i have been off

didnt eat for days but back on track now tho !
jabula was yummyyyyyyyy - had goats cheese, durban curry, and pecan nut pie !!!!

this morning
warm water with lemon
fresh blueberries and strawberries
a banana

just had 4 milk tray chocs tho Sad

brought in a turky ham salad with lots of tomatoes for fibre (toks !!!)

trying not to eat the carrot cake a birthday girl brought in !

how are u all - i have missed u !!! must catch up the posts i missed
welcome back...hope you return to 100% soon..Wink

so far today....Big Grin ...tea 2 sugars, bowl of crunchy nut cereal skimmed milk..
snack..:o ...crispy bacon & mixed cheese on granary bread..water.
will burn off the extra with a hard 40 min run at 12..:thumbs:
lunch fruit salad , snack bar, water..
dinner chicken curry..:p
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
welcome back...hope you return to 100% soon..Wink

so far today....Big Grin ...tea 2 sugars, bowl of crunchy nut cereal skimmed milk..
snack..:o ...crispy bacon & mixed cheese on granary bread..water.
will burn off the extra with a hard 40 min run at 12..:thumbs:
lunch fruit salad , snack bar, water..
dinner chicken curry..:p


yum - all sounds good
i pushd myself at the gym on sat'day morning
i ran 4km in 20 mins - i thought good for my little leggies
then 6km cycle in 15 mins
then 10 min stepper
then shattered ! LOL

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