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You are what you eat
Quote:Originally posted by Gregg
Yes.....................................................................................................................PEACE!! Big Grin

There is a big weekend of sport ahead you I need to "kruip" a bit!!! :rofl:

i was wondering what that sucking noise was - it was gregg attached to mrs gs bout !
Quote:Originally posted by Gregg
Yes.....................................................................................................................PEACE!! Big Grin

There is a big weekend of sport ahead you I need to "kruip" a bit!!! :rofl:

a man with a plan...excellent..:thumbs:
I have been hidding all my laundry..keep the misses busy whilst the sport is on..:haha:
Quote:Originally posted by Gregg
You know what I could REALLY do with now???

A TOP DECK!! Mmmmmmm........ :thumbs:

not to be un PC but we used to call a married couple this as he was very very dark skinned and she was white as snow
sorry just popped into my head :haha:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
not to be un PC but we used to call a married couple this as he was very very dark skinned and she was white as snow
sorry just popped into my head :haha:

first swinging and now this....where is your mind at the moment..:rofl:
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
first swinging and now this....where is your mind at the moment..:

:rofl: i know
poor rick i say :rofl:
Quote:Originally posted by Gregg
Yes.....................................................................................................................PEACE!! Big Grin

There is a big weekend of sport ahead you I need to "kruip" a bit!!! :rofl:

I knew this lunch was to good to be true :innocent: :rofl:

I can do with some bitter choc right now. See, once I start I can't stop.

Jewels, I feel terrible paying so much for avo's, we had three trees back at home as well!!
Fruit and veg really is expensive here
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
a man with a plan...excellent..:thumbs:
I have been hidding all my laundry..keep the misses busy whilst the sport is on..:haha:

<sigh> What sport is on this weekend? Rolleyes

That means I can go shopping!!!! Big Grin Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla

Jewels, I feel terrible paying so much for avo's, we had three trees back at home as well!!
Fruit and veg really is expensive here

it is true
i am sort of used to it now but i still cringe when i pay £2.99 for 2 avos at marks like yesterday

where are the chaps on the streets selling a 'rand a bag' :haha:
or whole pockets of oranges - rember them - that would cost u a fortune here, in fact it wouldnt happen
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
it is true
i am sort of used to it now but i still cringe when i pay £2.99 for 2 avos at marks like yesterday

where are the chaps on the streets selling a 'rand a bag' :haha:
or whole pockets of oranges - rember them - that would cost u a fortune here, in fact it wouldnt happen

I know :bigcry: Or those big boxes of strawberries. Or hangers and black bags, now that I think of it :haha:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
it is true
i am sort of used to it now but i still cringe when i pay £2.99 for 2 avos at marks like yesterday

where are the chaps on the streets selling a 'rand a bag' :haha:
or whole pockets of oranges - rember them - that would cost u a fortune here, in fact it wouldnt happen

why do you guys not buy your veg and fruit from the farmers markets? you have them up Noord..?

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