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You are what you eat
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
Okay, how do you get to be invited for these kinds of things? I am dying to attent one Wink

well it is a friend of mine who has an invite to one so i am gatecrashing ! LOL

i think i must have one at my house - then u can come too ! Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
morning all !

how was the weekend?

welll i didnt go to the gym Sad
but this week ain to gym it tues, thurs and sat'day

mmm eating?
friday - had chicken korma take away
with nan bread and pillau rice !

sat'day - fairly healthy altho ate half a quiche for supper
also a few packets of chips !

sunday - fairly healthy (well for me i mean) but still a few mini choc bars and chips !

this morning
yoghurt with fresh blueberries
quarter of a melon
orange juice
warm water with lemon Smile

lunch - i have made a yummy salad with turky ham, cucmber, toms, avocado, diff types of lettuce

have brought in a mini echo, pear and a plum for snacking

Morning morning!

What great weather for the weekend, eh? Big Grin

I had a fairly good weekend, eating wise.

Friday had left over couscous with peppers and chickpeas for dinner.
Saturday had yoghurt for brekkie and went to my two aerobics classes. For lunch I had some liver (don't say yuck, the way I make it is divine) with M&S wild rice, lentil and aubergine salad. I was then snacking late afternoon on Holland and Barrett yoghurt coated peanuts and raisins. Still full in the eve, so just had a glass of red while watching the X-factor

Yesterday had fruit for brekkie, had a flapjack and some leftover liver for lunch. Dinner was raisins and a hot choc. I had just no appetite yesterday and was in a terrible mood. Sad
I have an old knee injury and it seems like the two classes did me no good. I could not walk yesterday and was in bed most of the day.

Today I had oats with raisins, warm water and lemon and more water for breakfast.

Lunch is a plain salad with different seeds, tomato, peppers and gherkins. For snacks I have raisins and an apple.
No idea what dinner is going to be yet. I feel like a smoothie

Only 4 more days and I am on the plane!!!
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
well it is a friend of mine who has an invite to one so i am gatecrashing ! LOL

i think i must have one at my house - then u can come too ! Big Grin

Oh!!!! Big Grin Big Grin
Is it the 18th of September though? I am still in SA then :bigcry:
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
Morning morning!

What great weather for the weekend, eh? Big Grin

I had a fairly good weekend, eating wise.

Friday had left over couscous with peppers and chickpeas for dinner.
Saturday had yoghurt for brekkie and went to my two aerobics classes. For lunch I had some liver (don't say yuck, the way I make it is divine) with M&S wild rice, lentil and aubergine salad. I was then snacking late afternoon on Holland and Barrett yoghurt coated peanuts and raisins. Still full in the eve, so just had a glass of red while watching the X-factor

Yesterday had fruit for brekkie, had a flapjack and some leftover liver for lunch. Dinner was raisins and a hot choc. I had just no appetite yesterday and was in a terrible mood. Sad
I have an old knee injury and it seems like the two classes did me no good. I could not walk yesterday and was in bed most of the day.

Today I had oats with raisins, warm water and lemon and more water for breakfast.

Lunch is a plain salad with different seeds, tomato, peppers and gherkins. For snacks I have raisins and an apple.
No idea what dinner is going to be yet. I feel like a smoothie

Only 4 more days and I am on the plane!!!

ur meals are so different to mine
and sound so interesting

i think it is all going to go to pot when u go away
what incentive am i going to have to eat healthyly! LOL
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
Oh!!!! Big Grin Big Grin
Is it the 18th of September though? I am still in SA then :bigcry:

ja, im gatecrashing on the 18th sept
but will have to have a party at my house for all the girls who cant gatecrash with me on the 18th ! :haha:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
ja, im gatecrashing on the 18th sept
but will have to have a party at my house for all the girls who cant gatecrash with me on the 18th ! :haha:

Oh, that sounds very good indeed! Steal loads of ideas at the AS party, and then we can have our very own Wink

Jewels, it is so easy to eat healthy when you make it a way of living. I don't see it as a diet or a curse, I have been eating like this for the last two years, so it is easy. Like you well know ( Wink ) I have a very sweet tooth, so I do allow myself to be norty when I feel like it.
I am being extra careful because my tum is very sensitive. I am very tempted to get myself tested for IBS.
Also, the times when I do eat wrong, or loads, I honestly feel rubbish. I think my body is so used to being good, when I do want to pig out, I only spite myself :haha:

I also know when I go home, my mum prepares food like there is no tomorrow. I don't know why she has this idea in her head, but she thinks I am not eating. I feel so bad saying no to her, so I have to be extra good just before I go home! LOL
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
Jewels, it is so easy to eat healthy when you make it a way of living. I don't see it as a diet or a curse, I have been eating like this for the last two years, so it is easy. Like you well know ( Wink ) I have a very sweet tooth, so I do allow myself to be norty when I feel like it.
I am being extra careful because my tum is very sensitive. I am very tempted to get myself tested for IBS.
Also, the times when I do eat wrong, or loads, I honestly feel rubbish. I think my body is so used to being good, when I do want to pig out, I only spite myself :haha:

I also know when I go home, my mum prepares food like there is no tomorrow. I don't know why she has this idea in her head, but she thinks I am not eating. I feel so bad saying no to her, so I have to be extra good just before I go home! LOL

it is true - i have felt better for eating somewhat healthyly (a word supposed to be an adjective LOL)
i do eat what i like but have really started to see the difference for eg, eating good salads instead of a plain sarnie at lunch
and more fruit
i need to eat more seeds tho - lentils and whatlike but not sure what to do with these - i might go and have a look at holland and barrett Smile

ohhhhh i bet u will love going home - nothing like ur mums cooking and also u will be on holiday too !!!! Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
it is true - i have felt better for eating somewhat healthyly (a word supposed to be an adjective LOL)
i do eat what i like but have really started to see the difference for eg, eating good salads instead of a plain sarnie at lunch
and more fruit
i need to eat more seeds tho - lentils and whatlike but not sure what to do with these - i might go and have a look at holland and barrett Smile

ohhhhh i bet u will love going home - nothing like ur mums cooking and also u will be on holiday too !!!! Big Grin

I am very excited. Luckily my mum and dad is healthy as well, my dad has diabetes, so he doesn't have much of a choice.
J, look at H&B, I buy their salad sprinkle, it has pine nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. It is delicious
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
I am very excited. Luckily my mum and dad is healthy as well, my dad has diabetes, so he doesn't have much of a choice.
J, look at H&B, I buy their salad sprinkle, it has pine nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. It is delicious

my rick has diabetes but is *touch wood* controlling it well - he eats basically anything but we do true to be a bit healthy

i didnt have time to go to H&B but i went to marks for a few things and got some pine nuts and sesame seeds !
got some more avos too as im totally into them again

wonder where everyone else is today
bad eating weekend and too ashamed to come near! :haha:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
my rick has diabetes but is *touch wood* controlling it well - he eats basically anything but we do true to be a bit healthy

i didnt have time to go to H&B but i went to marks for a few things and got some pine nuts and sesame seeds !
got some more avos too as im totally into them again

wonder where everyone else is today
bad eating weekend and too ashamed to come near! :haha:

Must be! :haha:

My poor dad has my mum looking after him. She is very anal (which is a good thing), there is NO chance of him eating wrong. I have caught him a few times in the freezer (he loves ice cream) around midnight. Our little secret... Big Grin

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