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You are what you eat
where is everyone ? :bigcry:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
where is everyone ? :bigcry:

out to pasture....:rofl:
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
out to pasture....:rofl:

close to the truth that ! :haha:

oh, it is 4.41 and altho a gym night, dont fancy
i am slipping
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
close to the truth that ! :haha:

oh, it is 4.41 and altho a gym night, dont fancy
i am slipping

perserverance..go to will feel so much better for it afterwards...alternatively some rough exercise with Rick could compensate...:crylol:
Eish I have lost a lot in this thread and I'm just waaaayy to lazy to go back and read everything.

I'll have to confess though - I had too much vino and too much pasta and pizza last week and not enough exercise at all.

This week I'm trying to be good but the moment I'm just a bit cold I just want comfort food and that is normally very fattening!
I still love chocolate.
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
perserverance..go to will feel so much better for it afterwards...alternatively some rough exercise with Rick could compensate...:crylol:

u are right

rough exercise - we have had our weekly quota thank u very much :crylol:
Quote:Originally posted by Surita
Eish I have lost a lot in this thread and I'm just waaaayy to lazy to go back and read everything.

I'll have to confess though - I had too much vino and too much pasta and pizza last week and not enough exercise at all.

This week I'm trying to be good but the moment I'm just a bit cold I just want comfort food and that is normally very fattening!

it has been straying off the topic a bit ! :haha:

i feel i havent had sufficient exercise and i agree, colder weather = nice comfort fatty foods !!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Big Grin

ps had 3 cookies today ! u see, im a sinking ship !!!
ps had 3 cookies today ! u see, im a sinking ship !!! [/B][/QUOTE]

I had a massive piece of chocolate cake. Why do people have birthdays and bring cake into work!!!!
I still love chocolate.
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
where is everyone ? :bigcry:

this :cold: weather is playing havoc......I just want to eat and eat and eat Confusedcales:

had in laws with me last weekend :wall: so things went a bit to pot......trying desperately to get back on track.....

need to read this thread every does help :thumbs:
Please can I join this elite group. I have come to conclusion that is about B......DY time to do something about the fact I am over weight. I have booked my GP referal appointment at our local GYM. Hopefully they will not send me away.. I also have started a completely new eating regime to-day. No more BAD BAD food only good wholesome food.

I am going to need the all the help I can get so that I can shed this excess that has creeped on over the years.

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