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You are what you eat
Quote:Originally posted by lols
Please can I join this elite group. I have come to conclusion that is about B......DY time to do something about the fact I am over weight. I have booked my GP referal appointment at our local GYM. Hopefully they will not send me away.. I also have started a completely new eating regime to-day. No more BAD BAD food only good wholesome food.

I am going to need the all the help I can get so that I can shed this excess that has creeped on over the years.

First of all this is not an elite group......I am can it be :haha:

the Gym wont send you away.....let us know how you get on there!!!!

We will all help you lols.....just shout if you need us.......:thumbs:

good luck.....YOU GO GIRL :cheer:
Thanks sue. You are the elite group in my eyes cause you all care about what you eat and do the exercise bit. But hopefully after my appointment which is only in 2 weeks (eeeeek) I will slowly become one of you.
Lols, welcome to our motivating thread, we do stray a bit sometimes, so please forgive us! :haha:

Sue, Jewels and Surita I KNOW what you mean! I just want to stuff my face when it gets colder. So, I just exercise more.

As some of you already know, I have decided to join Toks in running the London Marathon. Silly I know Big Grin
So...last night off to the gym and I managed to jog 45 minutes without stopping once!(quite something for me!) I know I should be running on the road, but I am leaving that for weekends when I can go to a park.

So for today, this is what I am having:
Brekkie - warm water with lemon, oats with water and raisins, more water
Snack - seeds and decaff skinny latte, more water
Lunch - salmon and cottage cheese salad, more water
Snack - apple and raisins, might have another coffee
Dinner - nice thick home made vegetable and lentil soup
Then off to the gym again for more torture!

Hope you all have a great day Confusedcales:
Dolla :thumbs:...45 minutes very good start..remember to try running at least an hour 1x a week...and to start don't run everyday..Smile
Welcome Lols we are not elite not by far..Big Grin
Right todays menu:
Breakfast: Beans on toast,tea and 2 sugar lights.
Snack: 3 tea biscuits,2 glasses water, an apple.
Lunch: left over curry mince sandwich, banana,Rasberry fromage frais, more water.
Normal lunch time run...40 min today..with some speed work.
Dinner: not planned yet.
Quote:Originally posted by lols
Please can I join this elite group. I have come to conclusion that is about B......DY time to do something about the fact I am over weight. I have booked my GP referal appointment at our local GYM. Hopefully they will not send me away.. I also have started a completely new eating regime to-day. No more BAD BAD food only good wholesome food.

I am going to need the all the help I can get so that I can shed this excess that has creeped on over the years.

hi there !

geez - we are not elite at all ! and welcome u with open (my) little podgy arms ! Big Grin
i think ths thread does help - it is good to hear what others are doing
so we look forward to hearing from you more
Quote:Originally posted by Dolla
So...last night off to the gym and I managed to jog 45 minutes without stopping once!(quite something for me!) I know I should be running on the road, but I am leaving that for weekends when I can go to a park.

So for today, this is what I am having:
Brekkie - warm water with lemon, oats with water and raisins, more water
Snack - seeds and decaff skinny latte, more water
Lunch - salmon and cottage cheese salad, more water
Snack - apple and raisins, might have another coffee
Dinner - nice thick home made vegetable and lentil soup
Then off to the gym again for more torture!

Hope you all have a great day :

morning !!! woweeeeeeeeeeeeeee 45 mins :thumbs: :thumbs: well done !!

Blush i thort the marathon was last weekend? duh blonde

ur food sounds very healthy - that veggie soup sounds wonderful !!!

brekkie - warm water with lemon, glass of orange juice, yoghurt, fresh blueberries and a kiwi no skin Big Grin )
lunch - avo, boiled egg white, prawn salad with seeds on top
have brought no snacks - which means might be a bad thing !!
supper - not sure yet - might be quiche and salad or cottage pie !

erm... didnt do the gym last night and toks, no rough exercise either ! :innocent: :
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
Normal lunch time run...40 min today..with some speed

due to the beans? :haha:
Quote:Originally posted by jewels
due to the beans? :haha:

wind propelled...Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
Dolla :thumbs:...45 minutes very good start..remember to try running at least an hour 1x a week...and to start don't run everyday..Smile
Welcome Lols we are not elite not by far..Big Grin
Right todays menu:
Breakfast: Beans on toast,tea and 2 sugar lights.
Snack: 3 tea biscuits,2 glasses water, an apple.
Lunch: left over curry mince sandwich, banana,Rasberry fromage frais, more water.
Normal lunch time run...40 min today..with some speed work.
Dinner: not planned yet.

I did not run very fast though. I felt like a loser, normally I put the treadmill on top speed and fire away :haha:
Well, I have read marathons and running is all about endurance and not speed (Wink Thanks Toks ) so I will be patient.
Not everyday? I am planning to go about 5 times this week, is that okay, or to much?

Jewels, at 30 minutes my legs did not want to go anymore, but I actually felt fine. Not even sore this morning. Of course I did my usual sit ups as well Big Grin
Aww, I have boiled some eggs on Monday for my salads this week and have completely forgotten about them!
Morning all

I greet you from the comfort of my study!! Big Grin

I'm not a well dude at the moment....have this incredible burning pain down the top of my back (on the right side). Initially I thought it was just stress.....however it's lasted over a week now :o However I do think I need a good massage!! Any volunteers?? :rofl:

I've been good lately....went to the gym last night (deapite the pain) and haven't eaten anything more than I normally would!!!

Catch you all later Wink
Phuza, Bepha , Souza!!

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