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New York marathon |
Posted by: Joan - 06-11-2005, 05:37 PM - Forum: SportsTalk
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Halfway point: 1:39:55
Pace per mile: 7:37
Projected finishing time: 3:19:50
My sons time at halfway mark
He started at 15:00 our time :jog: :jog: :jog:
Aandenken aan |
Posted by: hantam - 05-11-2005, 05:19 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans
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Dis is maar ‘n tipiese Belgiese dag – koud en winderig toe ons half onseker die groot Katolieke Kerk op die markplein binnestap. Die roomkleurige lykswa staan voor die swaar houtdeur en my maag ruk binne in my - ruikers blomme by die deur lei ons na binne – ‘n vol kerk – die dorp kom neem afskeid van een van hul gesiene burgers – Georgette de Rom, “geboren te Kortenberg 25 januarie 1934Ââ€
Ons het haar leer ken as Mevrou Abeloos, die vrou van die eienaar van ons woonstelgebou. Toe ons gaan kontrak teken het vir ons woonstel, het die pruik die verhaal van swaarkry weggegee – ‘n jarelange stryd teen borskanker. Toe reeds het sy onuitgesproke vrese gehad oor ‘n kanker wat miskien weer opgevlam het. En nou kyk ons vas teen ‘n glimlaggende foto op die ligte kis – “en er thuis overleden op 31 oktober 2005Ââ€.
Die sedige gesig van die jong begrafnisondernemertjie verhelder toe ons in Protestantse onkunde onsekerheid laat blyk. Nee, sê hy, plaas maar net die hand op die kis en simpatiseer met die familie. Dankie, fluister ons verlig.
Die familie – elke gesig vertel ‘n eie storie van verwerking - klein oom Abeloos met hartseer lyne oor sy gesig, amper-uitdrukkinglose mansgesigte, half verwaarloos-, verwaaide hartseer vroue, en een met rooi, hartseer oë … - die enigste dogter. Ek kan net hand skud en sluk aan my eie trane – woorde is daar nie.
Die sang is soos engele wat almal opneem in aanbidding – vanaf Jesus wat voor in die kerk aan die kruis hang, op en op, verby die helderkleurige prentjievensters en deur die hoë koepelplafon – hemel toe …
‘n Kers word vir haar aangesteek – ‘n herinnering aan haar lewe. Iemand het gedig oor haar lewe van gasvryheid en liefde vir haar naaste … wonder of dit ooit aan haar gesê is toe sy nog met ons was? Ek wou nog gaan kuier … Dan gee die priester geleentheid vir belydenis van sondes …
Die reuk van wierook vul die kerk met ‘n warme teenwoordigheid – as ‘n huldeblyk aan haar. Ons tou ry vir ry vorentoe om ‘n laaste groet te bring. Elkeen kry ‘n foto van ‘n laggende Georgette in die hand – so sal ons haar onthou. Haar lewenskers word ten laaste uitgeblaas en sy mag in vrede gaan. Vir ‘n oomblik kon ons haar nog by ons hou!
Met yskoue voete stap ons agter die lykswa aan, deur die dorp, begraafplaas toe…’n Stil, donker stroom mense – elkeen besig om afskeid te neem op eie manier. ‘n Outydse prentjie in moderne klere.
Ja, op bykans dieselfde manier neem ons al eeue lank afskeid van geliefdes.
BBC One Question of Sport |
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 04-11-2005, 02:29 PM - Forum: SportsTalk
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I love watching Question of Sport with Sue Barker.
Tonight it seems as if Bobby Skinstad is going to be on the show...
7:00 pm
A Question of Sport
Sports quiz hosted by Sue Barker, with team captains Ally McCoist and Matt Dawson, and guests Steve Backley, Harry Redknapp, Bobby Skinstad and Steve Davis. [S]
Reading Around the World |
Posted by: nikkinaz - 03-11-2005, 06:56 PM - Forum: The Book Club
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Hi Everyone,
Well the weather for reading and curling up with a book has certainly arrived. I see the most popular part of Reading Around the World poll - is choosing your own books. So I am going to go ahead and suggest a country I hope you will join us and let us know what book you have decided to readÂ…and by the end of the month what your boook was like. Our first country is Italy.
The book I have chosen to read is, Delicious by Nicky Pellegrino
Delicious' is an irresistible saga about the enduring love affair between Italy and England, about three very different generations of Italian women, and an old kitchen in Campania which binds them all together.
Hopefully this will be a warm, rich booked filled with lots of Italian flavour !
So what will you be reading centered in and around Italy ?
Travelling Europe on a budget |
Posted by: mcamp999 - 02-11-2005, 05:54 PM - Forum: Travel and Immigration
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Why go to Europe?
When we first arrived in the U.K. we decided that we would first travel through this country, before exploring the rest of Europe. This we did, and we have now been to most of England, Scotland and Wales. Ireland still remains and we will get there eventually. The one thing about travelling in the U.K. is that it often tends to be quite pricy, especially with a family! A trip to Europe seemed like a dream, as we would almost certainly never be able to afford it as it could only be taken when the schools are on holiday and the prices are sky high.
Upon investigation, however, I have found that it is cheaper to go to Europe than to holiday in the U.K. And the weather is almost certainly better. Go to Spain and you are virtually guaranteed sunshine (in the right season of course). A good tip when booking, is that most of the places seem to be the most expensive during the first four weeks of the holidays, for some reason the last two weeks tend to be less popular, and the prices reflect this. If you don't have school going children, then the best time seems to be the week that the children first return to school.
What about a visa?
There is, however, the question of a visa. Most of the countries in Europe will use a Schengen visa which you will have to obtain from the consulate of the respective country you are visiting. If you plan on visiting several countries then you will need to obtain your visa from the country where you intend staying at the longest, or the country which is you first port of entry. If you are the spouse of a British citizen, then this will cost you nothing, but if not, then you will have to pay the relevant fee. This website contains useful info about the application process http://www.lancs.ac.uk/users/studentsupp...005/3e.doc although it is aimed primarily at students; it is as applicable to everyone.
What other costs might I incur?
Other additional costs to consider if you are driving is the cost of European AA cover (approx £70) and your travel insurance. Also remember to get your e111, or as it will become, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) as per this website http://www.dh.gov.uk/PolicyAndGuidance/H...lers/fs/en. There is also the possibilty of extra costs for toll roads when driving in Europe.
What about driving in Europe?
They do drive on the right hand side (or the wrong side ) in Europe, and this can be a bit disconcerting at first. When arriving at the ferry port, you will be 'fed' into the correct lane. The only other difficulties I have experienced, is when driving around a roundabout. The roads in Europe, however, are far superior to what we drive on in England. They are much faster and the flow of traffic is much smoother than we are used to. There are tolls to be paid, however, although there are alternative routes you can take. This site gives lots of advice about driving in Europe http://www.theaa.com/motoring_advice/ove...index.html Also use this site for travelling in the UK or Europe, it is much better than multimap or mapquest in my opinion http://www.theaa.com/travelwatch/planner...database=B
What holiday should I take?
The best two ways that we have found to holiday is either last minute via the package holiday, or to use one of the 'camping' holiday places. Now I can hear most people already saying 'I don't want to go on a camping holiday' but this is not camping as you know it. You have a choice of accommodation types, i.e. canvas or mobile homes. The canvas is the cheapest option, and I can tell you that it is really good accommodation.
My wife absolutely hates camping, but she agreed to try one of these holidays, as we hadn't been away for some time and it was so cheap (£140 for six people for 5 nights with a ferry crossing in France). Now she agrees to go every year as she has realised that it isn't anything like camping at all. These tents come already equipped with proper beds, a fridge/cooker/pots/cutlery/indoor table and chairs/outdoor table and chairs/two recliners and a relaxing time. All you bring with are your clothes and sleeping bags/duvets and move in. The campsites usually have pubs, restaurants, entertainment, swimming pools, sports facilities, laundrettes, etc. The main thing that you do need to be careful of is to check the surface of the campsite you are going to as the ones near the sea tend to be sandy. Also make sure of the ablution facilities, and your proximity to them.
Where do I look for these holidays?
To go on one of these holidays, there are a number of websites that can be used for your research. These are http://www.eurocamp.co.uk which gives you the most information, http://www.keycamp.co.uk , http://www.frenchlife.co.uk , http://www.canvasholidays.co.uk and one we found about on this trip but haven't tried is http://www.rentatent.nl/ which is a Dutch company.
So far we have travelled with these companies to Brittany, Vendee, Paris, Costa Brava and Loire. The best campsite of them all was Camp Cypsela in the Costa Brava, and we are planning to go to Italy next year (if we don't return to the Costa Brava). As the price of the holiday includes the cost of a ferry crossing, we always drive to the campsite, usually including a stopover on the way there and back, which these companies will arrange for you. You could, however, book a low cost flight to a nearby airport and use either local transport or a taxi. The cost of hiring a car is also not exorbitant in Spain (cost us £18 for a day).
How else?
Then there is the last minute package holiday, which only works if you already have a visa or EU passport. We usually go on one of these as a couple, out of season. We book a week off, and then on the Wednesday before the holiday starts, we phone the various companies and ask for the best price 7 night holiday to somewhere where it is sunny. I specify that I do not mind where I go, as long as it is one of the Schengen countries and hot. I do specify that the accommodation must be 3 star or better. This is the website I usually use http://www.teletextholidays.co.uk/WebHom.../Home.aspx. So far, we have been to Menorca and my daughter has been to one of the Greek Isles. When we went to Minorca, we did it on an allocate on arrival basis, which means you fly in to the airport, and are met by a rep who then tells you which resort you are going to. In my daughterÂ’s case, we booked a specific hotel and the transport was arranged for her to her accomodation. Both of the accomadations were very comfortable and right next to the beach
There are a number of other areas that I probably haven't covered, so please ask any questions and I will gladly answer them.
Find Joy in the Ordinary |
Posted by: Toktokkie - 31-10-2005, 10:04 PM - Forum: Your Religion
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We played every game we knew. We ran up and down the hall. We played "find me" behind the couch. We bounced the beach ball off each other's heads. We wrestled, played tag, and danced. It was a big evening for Mom, Dad, and little Jenna. We were having so much fun that we ignored the bedtime hour and turned off the T.V. And if the storm hadn't hit, who knows how late we would have played.
But then the storm hit. Rain pattered, then tapped, then slapped against the windows. The winds roared in off the Atlantic and gushed through the nearby mountains with such force that all the power went off. The adjacent valley acted as a funnel, hosing wind on the city. We all went into the bedroom and lay on the bed. In the darkness we listened to the divine orchestra. Electricity danced in the sky like a conductor's baton summoning the deep kettledrums of thunder.
I sensed it as we were lying on the bed. It blew over me mixed with the sweet fragrance of fresh rain. My wife was lying silently at my side. Jenna was using my stomach for her pillow. She, too, was quiet. Our second child, only a month from birth, rested within the womb of her mother. They must have sensed it, for no one spoke. It entered our presence as if introduced by God himself. And no one dared stir for fear it would leave prematurely.
What was it? An eternal instant.
An instant in time that had no time. A picture that froze in mid frame, demanding to be savored. A minute that refused to die after sixty seconds. A moment that was lifted off the time line and amplified into a forever so all the angels could witness its majesty.
An eternal instant.
A moment that reminds you of the treasures surrounding you. Your home. Your peace of mind. Your health. A moment that tenderly rebukes you for spending so much time on temporal preoccupations such as savings accounts, houses, and punctuality. A moment that can bring a mist to the manliest of eyes and perspective to the darkest life.
Eternal instants have dotted history.
It was an eternal instant when the Creator smiled and said, "It is good."
It was a timeless moment when Abraham pleaded for mercy from the God of mercy, "But if there are just ten faithful."
It was a moment without time when Noah pushed open the rain-soaked hatch and breathed in the clean air.
And it was a moment in the "fullness of time" when a carpenter, some smelly shepherds, and an exhausted, young mother stood in silent awe at the sight of the infant in the manger.
Eternal instants.
You've had them. We all have. Sharing a porch swing on a summer evening with your grandchild. Seeing her face in the glow of the candle. Putting your arm into your husband's as you stroll through the golden leaves and breathe the brisk autumn air. Listening to your six-year-old thank God for everything from goldfish to Grandma.
Such moments are necessary because they remind us that everything is okay. The King is still on the throne and life is still worth living. Eternal instants remind us that love is still the greatest possession and the future is nothing to fear.
The next time an instant in your life begins to be eternal, let it. Put your head back on the pillow and soak it in. Resist the urge to cut it short. Don't interrupt the silence or shatter the solemnity. You are, in a very special way, on holy ground.
Max Lucado, © 2005
How much - and what type - of life cover do you need? |
Posted by: mcamp999 - 31-10-2005, 09:58 PM - Forum: Business and Finance
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By Nic Cicutti, MSN Special Correspondent
Last updated September 28 2005
Life insurance is one of the most basic building blocks in the array of financial products that we should consider, especially if we have dependents.
Although my partner is a keen gardener, I must confess to total ignorance on the subject. All IÂ’m good for is the heavy manual stuff - like digging holes and carrying bags of compost - always under strict supervision, of course.
But you canÂ’t spend time outside with someone who has green fingers and not slowly begin to imbibe small gobbets of information that help understand the basics of gardening
How to retire abroad |
Posted by: mcamp999 - 31-10-2005, 09:54 PM - Forum: Business and Finance
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How to retire abroad
By Nic Cicutti, MSN Money special correspondent
Last updated Aug 20 2004
DonÂ’t get too jealous now, but I want to let you into a little secret. You probably think I work in a pokey garret somewhere in the UK, donÂ’t you? Usually I do.
However, this article is being penned from a cottage in the middle of France, where I have been staying for the past few weeks. OK, the weather isnÂ’t always brilliant here either, but it sure beats grimy old London.
Later this evening, when this is finished, IÂ’ll have a quick dip in the pool and an alfresco meal, before relaxing to the sound of cicadas from the front porch of our isolated countryside gite.