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  Five ways to retire on time
Posted by: mcamp999 - 31-10-2005, 09:51 PM - Forum: Business and Finance - No Replies

Five ways to retire on time

By Nic Cicutti, MSN Money Special Correspondent
Last updated October 19 2005

For those of us who have listened, and even taken part in the long-running discussion over future retirement provision, the past 15 to 20 years have been a bewildering experience.

Until a decade or so ago, the expectation among most of us was that, as long as we planned reasonably well, it should not be too difficult to retire at 55, or 60 at a push and live fairly comfortably thereafter.

Even for those in their early 30s, the assumption – fuelled by astonishing investment returns throughout much of the 1990s – was that as long as you were prepared to run a bit harder to catch up, there was no reason why you couldn’t stop work at 60 on half your pre-retirement income.


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  Will Rusedski become the no. 1?
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 31-10-2005, 07:16 PM - Forum: SportsTalk - No Replies

Rusedski races through in Paris

Greg Rusedski
Latest results
Greg Rusedski stayed on course to overtake Tim Henman as the British number one by breezing through the first round of the Paris Masters.

The 32-year-old wrapped up a straightforward 6-3 6-4 victory over Italy's Andreas Seppi.

Rusedski was not at his best but had too much for qualifier Seppi, breaking once in the opening set and coming back from 2-0 down in the second.

Rusedski must beat Nikolay Davydenko in round two to overtake Henman.



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  Direkte vertaling
Posted by: oe-la-la - 31-10-2005, 08:53 AM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - No Replies

Ai, ons het gister so lekker gelag. My seunskind is 12jr oud. Hy was 5 toe ons Engeland toe getrek het, en kon nie 'n woord engels praat nie :o Nou dink hy defnitief in engels, alhoewel ons steeds Afrikaans by die huis praat, en vertaal soms die woorde direk Afrikaans toe.

My broer het oor die naweek getrek na 'n nuwe huis, so vra hy gister oor middag-ete... "Ma, het Pieter-le toe al beweeg?" :rofl:

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  Noorsdoring blom geel in die Oos-Kaap
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 29-10-2005, 04:44 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - No Replies


Cecille Cilliers

Ek onthou dit as 'n ongenaakbare streek, die ene klip en kaktus tussen Jansenville en Port Elizabeth. Hierdie see van geel het ek nie verwag nie.
In plate van geel op geel blom die noorsdoring, blink goud waar die lig dit vang.

Hy blom net as dit baie droog is, en hier het dit baie lank gelede regtig goed gereën.

Só vertel Pieter van Zyl, 'n fris angoraboer intiem bekend met sy wêreld. Hy is ons gids op 'n wildplaas naby die Darlingtondam, binne die grense van die groter Addopark. Die diere eet dit graag, sê hy, en ál die diere gebruik dit, veral wanneer dit blom. Mettertyd word die blomme vruggies, vol protiëne, met meer voedingswaarde per gewig as mielies.

Die diere waarna hy verwys, is die oorspronklike diere van die streek, hulle wat ná dekades se boer en jag nog hier oorgebly het - springbok en koedoe, duiker en steenbok. Maar hy praat ook van die ander, dié wat in samewerking met Nasionale Parke stadig weer die streek ingebring word. Ons sien die eerste swartwildebees en Kaapse buffel, sebra en swart renoster. Die witte aard nie hier nie.

Op soek na 'n blik op die swart renosters neem Pieter ons in 'n viertrek die berg uit, en beduie trots dat hierdie hele streek eens 'n reuse-kom vol water was, 'n binnelandse meer. Op 'n dag het die water deurgebreek en 'n ander landskap tot stand laat kom. Die breuk in die koppe is duidelik sigbaar.
Kwalik 'n reuse-binnelandse meer, maar nogtans 'n dam van gehalte, is die Darlingtondam wat in 1918 in die vallei gebou is. Die damwal is slegs 'n kilometer lank, maar dit hou 'n yslike spul water teë.

Die water kom van die Gariepdam deur die Vis- en Schoemansrivier, om van hier met 'n stelsel van kanale die sitrusboorde van die Kirkwood-omgewing en verder van water te voorsien.

Darlington, sê-vra ek. Hy was seker die betrokke minister in 1918?
Nee, sê Pieter. Met die instroom van die water is 'n klein dorpie, Darlington, heeltemal oorspoel. Uit 'n boot kan mens onder die water nog die rüines sien . . .
Pieter se oog is goed. Hy hou stil om vir ons 'n groot skerpioen te wys, en 'n boomslang wat blinkgroen regop staan om sy omgewing te bespied. Hy wys vir ons die gompou se nes, sommer so saamgeskrop in die oop veld. Twee groot vaalgrys eiers lê oop in die nes. Die wyfie sit nie bedags op die eiers nie, die son is hitte genoeg.

Uit die bar grond trek Pieter 'n verskrompelde plantjie. Brakbos, sê hy. Wanneer dit reën, kom dit oral op, stoel, en word stapelvoedsel vir die diere. Vol voedingswaarde.

Brakbos kan ek verstaan, sê ek, uit hierdie brak aarde, maar hoekom noorsdoring?

Die wit sap brand verskriklik, sê Pieter, maar dis seker nie 'n rede vir die naam nie. Hy lag. Jy moet dit maar in die woordeboek gaan naslaan . . .
Ek het toe, hier waar ek weer by my lessenaar sit. Blouerige kaktussoort met doringrige stekels, lees ek in HAT, sappig en goed bestand teen droogte.
Van nors, miskien, oor die branderige melk, of dalk van noords, synde in die noorde?

Ek sukkel om te konsentreer - tussen my en die woordeboek bly 'n heldergeel beeld inskuif: die noorsdoring blóm in die Oos- Kaap.


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Posted by: Pronkertjie - 27-10-2005, 02:16 PM - Forum: Flora - No Replies

We have such a big variety of mushrooms growing everywhere this year. Different colours too!

Is it because it is warmer?

It takes me back to my childhood... I am sure there are some fairies living there.... think I need to watch more closely - I might just find some... Smile


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  New Halloween Style for Weekend
Posted by: ForumAdmin - 27-10-2005, 10:28 AM - Forum: Forum Information - No Replies

We introduce a new Halloween style for the duration of the weekend, including Monday.

If you would like to change your style, please go to the bottom left drop down menu and set the style of your choice.

vBulletin 3 Style is the normal default

Thank you


ps.. switched on tomorrow

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  The good news continues
Posted by: mcamp999 - 26-10-2005, 02:23 AM - Forum: Business and Finance - No Replies

Pretoria - Finance Minister Trevor Manuel's medium-term budget policy statement reaffirmed that the economy was in good shape and that growth projections may be revised upwards, Absa Group Economic Research experts said on Tuesday.


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  Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted by: angelbabe - 24-10-2005, 09:04 AM - Forum: Your Music - No Replies

I found the WHOLE soundtrack on CD last nite ... WOW .. what a blast from the past !! Absolutely fabulous stuff !!

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  The way we see it
Posted by: penelope - 23-10-2005, 12:28 PM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations - No Replies

The eye doctor instructed her patient to read a chart on the wall. He looked at it and read, "A, B, F, N, L and G."

The doctor turned the light back on and wrote in her notebook.

"How'd I do, Doc?" the patient wondered.

She replied, "Let's put it this way -- they're numbers."

"But Doc," he argued, "this is the way I see it!"

Much of our happiness or unhappiness is a result of our perception. "This is the way I see it," we say, at least to ourselves.

A problem can be a challenge that energizes me to action or an obstacle that stops further progress. "This is the way I see it."

A new situation can be fearful or fun. "This is the way I see it."

A busy day can be cause for gladness that life is full and useful, or it can be a reason for me to complain. "This is the way I see it."

An unexpected intrusion can be a source of irritation that my agenda was interrupted, or it can quite possibly be the most important thing I encounter that day. "This is the way I see it."

An error can be the beginning of a new learning or an occasion to berate myself. "This is the way I see it."

Holidays can be times of anxiety and stress or times to seek solitude and contentment. "This is the way I see it."

It's not always about what is happening to me -- it's about the way I see it.

Marcel Proust observed that "the real voyage of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." It's the way we see it.

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  Words of wisdom
Posted by: penelope - 23-10-2005, 09:35 AM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations - No Replies

No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission.

Most people will be about as happy, as they decide to be.

Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently.

Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.

Success stops when you do.

When your ship comes in.... make sure you are willing to unload it.

You will never "have it all together."

Life is a journey...not a destination. Enjoy the trip!

The biggest lie on the planet: "When I get what I want I will be happy."

The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.

I've learned that ultimately , 'takers' lose and 'givers' win.

Life's precious moments don't have value, unless they are shared.

If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.

We often fear the thing we want the most.

Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you have to say. Best friends listen to what you don't say!

Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.

Look for opportunities...not guarantees.

Life is what's coming....not what was.

Success is getting up one more time.

Now is the most interesting time of all.

When things go wrong.....don't go with them.

Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.

God can mend all broken hearts. You just have to give him all the pieces.

A person who asks a question might be a fool for five minutes, but a person who doesn't ask, is a fool forever...

A best friend is like a four leaf clover... hard to find, and lucky to have.

A friend is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart.

A coincidence is when God performs a miracle, and decides to remain anonymous.

I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.

Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back.

Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace... and your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace.

-Author Unknown-

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