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  Registering A New Born Baby
Posted by: Bean of Love - 28-02-2005, 10:45 AM - Forum: Parenting and Children - Replies (2)

Please can you help me???

As you know, my noodle is due in May, and I assume we have to register him with the UK and the SA authoroties.

Hubby and I are here on Ancestral, and we only qualify for ILR in 2007. How do I go about registering baby and do I also have to apply for an Ancestral Dependant visa for him?

Then the other thing.... we want to go back some time after he is born to have him Christened with the whole family, as we need to get a passport for him... how now??

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated, so that at least I know what to do when he is born....

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  Tax Rebate?
Posted by: Bean of Love - 28-02-2005, 10:27 AM - Forum: Business and Finance - Replies (1)

I am looking for some advice with regard to a Tax rebate.

Hubby and I came over to the UK in August 2003 on Ancestral Visa. We started working as temps and were given temporary NI numbers, which meant that we were paying emergency tax.

We both got our numbers towards the end of October.

A friend of mine then told me yesterday that she and her partner claimed their tax back last year as they also paid emergency tax. The each got over £1000 back.

How do I go about claiming this back? Does anyone know? :confused:

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  Speel jy vir 'n Gehoor van Een?
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 27-02-2005, 06:33 PM - Forum: Christian Faith Praise - Replies (1)

Speel jy vir ‘n Gehoor van Een?

Hierdie tyd van die jaar kyk baie van ons steeds nie te veel in die spieël nie. Die skade van die Kersfees seisoen kleef nog so ietwat om ons middellyf vas. Wel, daar is een spieël wat jy nie te gou moet systap nie; die Here s’n! Wil jy nie vir ‘n paar oomblikke alles eenkant sit waarmee jy besig is nie... Staan asseblief stil voor die hemelse spieël en beantwoord die volgende vrae eerlik:

a. Het jy gedurig ‘n obsessie om die beste te wil wees, selfs ten koste van ander?
b. Is jy opreg bly wanneer vriende, familie en kennisse suksesvol is, ook wanneer hulle meer bereik as jyself?
c. Luister jy wanneer mense praat, of staan jy maar net reg om jou eie stories te vertel as jy die kans kry?
d. Verdraai jy soms die waarheid om jouself beter te laat lyk in die oë van ander?
e. Wil jy gedurig reg wees en in beheer van sake staan?

As jy jouself eerlik in die Here se spieël beloer, dan sien jy dalk nou ‘n onaangename prentjie. Ek moet erken: ek het ook! Na al die jare op die Here se geloofspad moes ekself veel verder gevorder het as waar ek tans is. Ek praat gedurig voordat ek dink; ek dra te min laste van ander op my skouers; ek stel mense teleur....

Speel vir ‘n veel kleiner gehoor

Wanneer jy in die Here se spieël kyk, dan moet jy nou dadelik begin minder doen! Ja, jy het reg gehoor. Doen ‘n volle 100% minder van al daardie dinge wat jou so sleg laat lyk op geestelike gebied. Moenie die waarheid verdraai om jouself voor ander te laat goed lyk nie. Hou op om ten alle koste reg te wil wees, of om altyd in beheer van sake te staan. Moenie heeltyd voor in die koor probeer wees nie. Gun ander dit wat hulle het. As Christen speel jy tog net vir ‘n Gehoor van Een. Ja, jy hoef slegs die Here te beïndruk, dis al! Niemand anders se erkenning maak regtig soveel saak nie.

As jy leef vir ander mense se erkenning, gaan jy God iewers langs die pad verloor. Jesus het in Matteus 10:32-33 gesê dat jy ‘n keuse moet maak wie se erkenning jy die graagste in jou lewe wil hê: God S’n of mense s’n! Jy kan nie beide s’n tegelyk hê nie! Onthou die voordele wat beide jou bied wanneer jy jou keuses maak. Mense dra jou hoogstens vir ‘n kort rukkie op die hande. Dan’s dit oor en verby. Môre teen hierdie tyd is jy gister se ou nuus! Onthou egter dat wanneer God die slag op die regte manier van jou kennis neem dit vir jou ‘n ewige plek aan sy voete besorg. Boonop gaan Hy hier en nou elke dag sorg dat al die hare op jou kop getel word! God stoot nooit sy mense eenkant toe nie, nie hier nie en ook nie anderkant die doodlyn nie!

Kyk reg en luister

Jy sien die regte dinge in God se spieël raak wanneer jy begin luister. Te veel Christene is slegte luisteraars. Hoor net hoe belangrik is dit volgens Jakobus 1:19: “Liewe mede-Christene, plak hierdie woorde op waar julle dit el*ke dag kan sien: julle moet ander mense ’n kans gee om te sê wat hulle op die hart het. Luister rustig na hulle sonder om hulle te wil doodpraat. Wanneer dit jou kans is, gee jou mening.”

Ons hoor nie wat ander sê nie omdat ons gedurig besig is met ons eie gedagtes... met dit wat ons volgende wil sê en wat ander uit ons mond moet hoor! Stop dit! Jy het twee ore en een mond gekry sodat jy twee keer meer moet luister as praat. Om behoorlik na ander te luister, laat jou op die regte maniere minder word en ander mense meer.

As jy minder word op die regte plek – daar voor die Here se spieël -, dan gaan jy binnekort minder “hang-ups” hê en jouself sommer strate minder oor die verkeerde goed bekommer. Jou eie gerief, gemak, voorkoms, regte, veiligheid en status gaan ook nie meer voorop staan nie. Dan verskuif jou blik na God se genade wat sy hemelse spieël omraam. Dan raak jy voltyds met die God van genade besig.


Heer en Hemelvader,
wees asseblief vandag ongelooflik goed vir u wêreld.
Laat die sonskyn van u genade oor die ganse aarde skyn.
Gee dat baie mense vandag deur Christus tot geloof in U sal kom.
Gebruik ook vir my om ‘n weerkaatser van u hemelse goedheid te wees.
Maak my minder in my eie oë sodat U my meer en meer kan gebruik.
Dankie dat U die Hoorder van gebed is, ook van myne wat in u Seun se Naam tot U kom.

Stephan Joubert


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  Classic Donkey Kong
Posted by: ForumAdmin - 27-02-2005, 12:00 PM - Forum: Your Arcade - No Replies

Classic Donkey Kong has now been added to the forums

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  Anybody following Six Nations?
Posted by: Hagar - 26-02-2005, 09:06 AM - Forum: Rugby Newsfeed - Replies (20)

Well I am when I get the gap, and putting all my money on Ireland to win it this year. Their next two BIG games at home, and cannot wait for tomorrow afternoon !!! Big Grin

I think for the Irish, their biggest threat are the sheep sh------ Welshmen :haha:

Poms and Froggies not performing up to their standard :confused:

Scotland have played their hearts out and well, with some bad calls against them :thumbs:

Itally as the under dogs are playing better and getting stronger each year. Great for the game of Rugby as it grows in popularity :thumbs:

These are only my personal couch potato opinions Wink

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  Cricket. (SA v Zim)
Posted by: Curio - 25-02-2005, 07:31 PM - Forum: SportsTalk - Replies (1)

Well done South Africa.
They beat Zimbabwe by 165 runs today.

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  South African E-Shop - Best Prices in Town!
Posted by: Janine - 25-02-2005, 12:36 PM - Forum: Member and SAffer owned businesses - Replies (1)

As a new internet based South African E-Shop - We would like to become more known locally and all over the UK. Our biltong and boerewors is probably the cheapest around and probably the best you would have tasted in the UK. Our orders are sent out within 24 hours and delivered to your door the following day. Our ready made meals, koeksisters & melktert are baked fresh throughout the week!
Your can order up to 20kg of goodies and pay less then £10.00 for the postage too!

Check out our website and give us a try!

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  Irish Soda Bread
Posted by: Bushbaby - 25-02-2005, 09:46 AM - Forum: Recipes - Replies (3)

The following was copied out of John McKenna's amazing book: How to Succeed in Hospitality. I bought this for the practical info on hospitality management and the recipes in the book were a very welcome boon.

What follows here is some basic info on how to make the perfect soda bread, more specific recipes will follow.

Irish Soda Bread

Soda bread is the Irish bread, the single most important unique selling point of the traditional Irish breakfast. The mixture of bread soda and buttermilk makes for a loaf that is singular and distinct, and delicious. It is also simple to make, and inexpensive.

The secret with soda bread is to leave it well alone: soda bread needs little work and a light hand. It is, truly, a loaf where the ingredients conspire together to do the magic, and your job is simply to shepherd it safely into the oven and then onto the table. Served when still slightly warm, this simple peasant loaf can offer one of the most unforgettably sublime taste experiences.

The Technique

When he demonstrates his bread making technique, Ken Buggy, of Buggy’s Glencairn Inn in West Waterford, first gives a list of necessities: “teaspoon, knife, flour, wooden spoon, bread soda, mixing bowl, buttermilk, oven on high, floured baking tray”.

Gather together the above. Put one overfilled kitchen cup of white flour into the bowl, and add two heaped cups of brown flour. Sieve in one rounded teaspoon of bread soda (the soda is the only thing you sieve). Add three-quarters pint buttermilk.

Whizz round with the wooden spoon as if constructing a roux. Lightly bring together the dough, finally using a little more white flour to seal it. Shape into a ball and place on a baking tray.

Cut deeply – nearly all the way through as it will heal together – in the shape of a cross. Bake for 40 minutes and then rap on the bottom to ensure it is cooked: it should sound hollow.

Are there secrets to getting it right? Well, lightness of touch is perhaps the key – you don’t knead the dough, and you should work quickly: soda bread should be made and in the oven in a trice. Serve it warm from the oven to enjoy it at its best.

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  Daleen Matthee - Oorlede
Posted by: Bean of Love - 24-02-2005, 08:30 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - Replies (10)

Sjoe... ek het vandag die koerant gelees en sien toe dat Daleen Matthee vroer die week oorlede is....

Kringe in 'n Bos was 'n fantastiese boek wat sy geskryf het en dit was my voorgeskrewe werk vir matriek....


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  The Bangles and Susanna Hoffs
Posted by: TheDuck - 24-02-2005, 07:40 PM - Forum: Your Music - Replies (1)

So, who of you have enjoyed The Bangles, their music and their lead siner, Susanna Hoffs.

Walk Like an Egyptian

and Eternal Flame

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
Do you feel my heart beating
Do you understand
Do you feel the same
Am I only dreaming
Is this burning an eternal flame

Of course there is slightly more to it ... but later for that

Big Grin

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