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Never forget |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 23-09-2004, 10:39 AM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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Never Forget
Your presence is a gift to the world,
You're unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be -
Take it one day at a time.
Count your blessings, not your troubles,
And you'll make it through what comes along.
Within you are so many answers,
Understand, have courage, be strong.
Don't put limits on yourself,
Your dreams are waiting to be realized.
Don't leave your important decisions to chance -
Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize.
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying -
The longer a problem is carried, the heavier it gets.
Don't take things too seriously -
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a long way -
Remember that a lot goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment,
Life's treasures are people... together.
Have health and hope and happiness,
Take the time to wish on a star.
And don't ever forget for even a day...
How very special YOU are! :lovef:
Posted by: oe-la-la - 23-09-2004, 10:30 AM - Forum: Your Religion
- Replies (1)
Al sou ek die mooiste huis hê en die smaaklikste etes vir my huis mense voorberei, maar ek doen dit nie met liefde nie, dan is ek so waardeloos soos ‘n leë kastrol of ‘n stukkende eierklitser.
Al is ek die besigste ma in die beheerraad en ek koop vir my kinders die duurste sporttoerusting, maar ek het nie die tyd om hulle langs die sport veld aan te spoor nie, dan sal dit my niks baat nie.
Al koop ek ‘n kamer vol opvoedkundige speelgoed en betaal ek sakke vol geld vir ekstra klasse, maar ek self sit nie by my kinders en speel of worstel met die skoolwerk nie, sal ek nog nie ‘n ware moeder wees nie.
‘n Liefdevolle ma is geduldig – sy tel maar die klere en speelgoed op. ‘n Liefdevolle ma is lankmoedig en vriendelike – sy laai haar motortjie vol kletsende, swetende skoolkinders.
Sy vergelyk nie haar kinders met ander nie en sy is nie verwaand oor hulle prestasies nie. Sy bedek alle skrape met liefde en pleister en glo in haar kinders, hoop net die beste en verdra al die klaery en kritiek.
‘n Opregte drukkie en ‘n intieme gesprek bly lank in ‘n kinderhart, maar gestrykte wasgoed word weer vuil en ‘n netjies huis word weer deurmekaar en vol stof….
Eendag as die volmaakte gekom het, sal jou huis en sy binnekant tot niet gaan, maar die lewende siele van jou kinders sal ondersoek word.
Toe ek nog ‘n jong meisie was, was ek gesteld op my mooi voorkoms en aardse besittings, maar nou wat ek ‘n ma geword het, het my kinders se versorging vir my belangrik geword. Nou kyk ons nog vas teen opstandige tienergesigte, maar eendag, as hulle groot geword het, sal ons die vrugte maai van die liefde wat ons kleintyd gesaai het.
En nou bly AANDAG, GEDULD en LIEFDE, hierdie DRIE, maar die waardevolste hiervan is ‘n liefdevolle MA.
Little girl in the rain |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 23-09-2004, 10:24 AM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Woollies. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of Woollies. We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their plans.
I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing, carefree as a child come pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day. The little voice broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in. "Mom, let's run through the rain."
"What?" Mom asked. "Let's run through the rain!" she repeated. "No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit," Mom replied. The child waited about another minute and repeated: "Please, Mom, let's run through the rain."
"We'll get soaked if we do," Mom said. "No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the youngster said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.
"This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?" "Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer you said, 'If God can get us through this, He can get us through anything!" :hartlik:
A silence fell over the crowd as they waited for the Mother's answer. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain. This was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. "Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If God lets us get wet, well, maybe we just needed washing," said the Mom and off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past cars and through puddles, holding their shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked.
But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars. Running and laughing and getting wet...We needed washing...
Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories... So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories everyday. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven.
A friend sent this to me to remind me of life. Hope you enjoy it, AND HOPE YOU STILL TAKE THE TIME TO RUN THROUGH THE RAIN. :daisy:
I've learned... |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-09-2004, 07:16 PM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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I've learned....
That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the
faster it goes.
I've learned....
That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
I've learned....
That money doesn't buy class.
I've learned....
That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
I've learned...
That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and
I've learned....
That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?
I've learned....
That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.
I've learned....
That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that
person continue to hurt you.
I've learned....
That love, not time, heals all wounds.
I've learned....
That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with
people smarter than I am.
I've learned....
That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.
I've learned....
That there's nothing sweeter than sleeping with your babies and feeling
their breath on your cheeks.
I've learned....
That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.
I've learned....
That life is tough, but I'm tougher.
I've learned....
That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.
I've learned....
That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.
I've learned...
That I wish I could have told my Dad that I love him one more time before he
passed away.
I've learned....
That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may
have to eat them.
I've learned....
That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
I've learned....
That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.
I've learned....
That when your newly born child holds your little finger in his little fist,
that you're hooked for life.
I've learned....
That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness
and growth occurs while you're climbing it.
I've learned ...
That it is best to give advice in only two circumstances; when it is
requested and when it is a life threatening situation.
I've learned....
That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.
If I could.... |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-09-2004, 07:12 PM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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If I could
If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
And share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own
A place to find serenity
A place to be alone
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me
I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair
But let me be what I know best
A friend that's always there. :hartlik:
How much time do you have? |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-09-2004, 07:10 PM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated.
He found his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
"Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
"Yeah, sure, what is it?" replied the man.
"Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?"
"What makes you ask such a thing?" the man said angrily.
"I just want to know... please tell me, how much do you
make an hour?" pleaded the little boy.
"If you must know, I make $20.00 an hour."
"Oh...!" the little boy replied, head bowed.
Looking up, he said, "Daddy, may I borrow $10.00 please?"
The father was mad. :mad:
"If the only reason you wanted to know how much money I make
is just so you can borrow some to buy a silly toy or some
other nonsense, then you better march yourself straight to
your room and go to bed. Think about why you're being so
selfish. I work long, hard hours everyday and don't have
time for such childish games."
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even madder about the
little boy's questioning. How dare he asks such questions
only to get some money.
After an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to
think he may have been a little hard on his son. Maybe there
was something he really needed to buy with that $10.00 and
he really didn't ask for money very often
The man went to the little boy's room and opened the door.
"Are you asleep son?" he asked.
"No daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy.
"I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,"
said the man. "It's been a long day and I took my
aggravation out on you. Here's that $10.00 you asked for."
The little boy sat straight up, beaming.
"Oh, thank you daddy," he yelled.
Then reaching under his pillow, he pulled out some crumpled
up bills.
The man seeing that the boy already had money started to get
angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money
then looked up at the man.
"Why did you want more money if you already had some?" the
father grumbled.
"Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy
"Daddy, I have $20.00 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?"
Leisure |
Posted by: Ade - 22-09-2004, 12:12 PM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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inspired by "how do you live your dash"
"Leisure" By Wm. Henry Davies.
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.