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I wish you enough |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-09-2004, 09:17 AM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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At an airport I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together.
They had announced her plane's departure and standing near the door she said,
"Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed.
I wish you enough, too, Daddy."
They kissed good-bye and she left. He walked over toward the window where I
was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry.
I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking,
"Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?"
"Yes, I have," I replied. Saying that brought back memories I had of expressing my love
and appreciation for all my Dad had done for me. Recognizing that his days were limited,
I took the time to tell him face to face how much he meant to me.
So I knew what this man was experiencing.
"Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?" I asked.
"I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is,
her next trip back will be for my funeral." he said.
"When you were saying good-bye I heard you say, "I wish you enough." May I ask what that means?"
He began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations.
My parents used to say it to everyone."
He paused a moment and looking up as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more.
"When we said "I wish you enough", we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with enough good things to sustain them...."
He continued and then, turning toward me, he shared the following
as if he were reciting it from memory:
I wish you enough unny: to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish enough "Hellos" to get you through the final Good-bye."
He then began to sob and walked away. My friends and loved ones, I wish you ENOUGH!!
They say "it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them,
a day to love them, but then an entire lifetime to forget them."
I am only me |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-09-2004, 09:14 AM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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I am only me ....
I am only me, that is all that I can be
No more, no less, don't second guess
I love, I laugh, I live and cry,
I've wished at times, that I could die
Some days I'm funny, others I'm not,
sometimes I'm in overdrive and can't stop
I am a loyal and honest friend,
You know that I'll be there until the end
I am a father/mother, my children my greatest gift,
The smiles on their faces always give me a lift
I am a romantic, sensual, sexual, and passionate too,
to the love of my life, I'll share this with you
I can be sweet and shy or sassy and bold,
I'm quite a handful, or so I've been told
I am not perfect, I do have my faults,
like when I get scared I put up high walls
Or I'm not as forgiving, as I'd sometimes like to be,
because when I hurt, I hurt deeply
My logic is all my own, at times misunderstood,
because I don't always do things for my own good
I have many facets, like a diamond you see...
I am only me.
~by Ruth Bourdon~
How do you live your 'dash' |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-09-2004, 09:11 AM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning...to the end.
He noted that first came her date of birth
And spoke of the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years. (1950-1999)
For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth...
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own;
The cars...the house...the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our "dash."
So think about this long and hard...
Are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what's true and real,
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more,
And love the people in our lives
Like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile...
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy's being read
With your life's actions to rehash...
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your "dash"?
Hold your head high! |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-09-2004, 09:07 AM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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Standing for what you believe in regardless of the odds against you,
and the pressure that tears at your resistance
...is Courage.
Keeping a smile on your face when inside you feel like dying,
for the sake of supporting others
...is Strength.
Stopping at nothing and doing what's in your
heart that you know is right
...is Determination.
Doing more than is expected, to make another's life a little more bearable,
without uttering a single complaint
...is Compassion.
Helping a friend in need, no matter the time or effort,
to the best of your ability
...is Loyalty.
Holding your head high
And being the best you know you can be when life
seems to fall apart at your feet,
Facing each difficulty with the confidence that
time will bring you better tomorrows,
And never giving up...
...is Confidence.
Hold your head high
and make your life better every day! :daisy:
Have a nice day! |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 22-09-2004, 09:02 AM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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Have an awesome day !
Living on Earth is expensive,
but it does include a free trip
around the unny: every year.
Birthdays are good for you;
the more you have,
the longer you live.
How long a minute is depends
on what side of the bathroom
door you're on. :o
Ever notice that the people who
are late are often much jollier
than the people who have to
wait for them?
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't
more people happy?
Most of us go to our grave with
our music still inside of us.
If Walmart is lowering prices
every day, how come nothing
is free yet? :dazed:
You may be only one person
in the world, but you may also
be the world to one person.
Some mistakes are too much
fun to only make once.
Don't cry because it's over;
smile because it happened.
We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp,
some are pretty,
some are dull,
some have weird names,
and all are different colors....
but they all have to learn to live
in the same box.
Everything should be made as
simple as possible,
but no simpler.
A truly happy person is one
who can enjoy the scenery
on a detour.
Happiness comes through
doors you didn't even know
you left open.
Have an awesome day,
and know that someone
has thought about you today
Bless you |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 21-09-2004, 04:21 PM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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Don't be so busy adding up your troubles
that you forget to count your blessings.
The smallest deed done is
greater than the best of intentions.
Love is a language that can be heard
by the deaf and seen by the blind.
A house is made of wooden beams.
A home is made of love and dreams.
To be a good friend open your ears
and heart more often than your mouth.
People don't care how much you know
until they know how much you care.
Have A Beautiful Day!
God Bless You My Friend. :hartlik:
Girlfriends |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 21-09-2004, 04:19 PM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
- Replies (2)
I sat on the porch overlooking a beautiful mountain lake on a summer day, enjoying a glass of wine with my Mom.
Older than me, mother of four, experienced and wise. "Get yourself some girlfriends," she advised, swirling the wine in her glass.
"You are going to need girlfriends. Go places with them, do things with them."
What a funny piece of advice, I thought. Hadn't I just gotten married?
Hadn't I just joined the couple-world? I was a married woman, for Goodness sake, not a young girl who needed girlfriends.
But I listened to my Mom and I got back in touch with my old girlfriends of years long gone. As the years tumbled by, one after another, gradually I came to understand that Mom knew what she was talking about. Here is what I know about them:
Girlfriends bring casseroles and scrub your bathroom when you are sick.
Girlfriends care for your children and keep your secrets.
Girlfriends give advice when you ask for it. Sometimes you take it, sometimes you don't.
Girlfriends don't always tell you that you're right, but they're usually honest.
Girlfriends still love you, even when they don't agree with your choices.
Girlfriends might send you a birthday card and they might not - it does not matter in the least.
Girlfriends laugh with you, and you don't need canned jokes to start the laughter.
Girlfriends get you out of jams. Girlfriends don't keep a calendar that lets them know who hosted the other last.
And girlfriends are there for you, in an instant and truly,when the hard times come.
Girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a husband. Girlfriends listen when your children break your heart.
Girlfriends listen when your parents' minds and bodies fail.
My girlfriends bless my life. Once we were young, with no idea of the incredible joys or the incredible sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other.
Gesoek: 'n Swembroek! |
Posted by: oe-la-la - 21-09-2004, 04:17 PM - Forum: Poetry and Inspirations
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Ek het pas die jaarlikse marteltog wat jou tot in die afgrond
agter die rug. Ons praat hier van Swembroek Koop. Toe ek'n kind was,
baaibroeke vir grootmens-tannies spesiaal ontwerp vir vroue met 'n
lyf. Met al die braleine, ondersteuning en versterking was dit eintlik
ingenieurswonders as
kledingstukke. Hulle moes als bymekaar hou en oplig, en dit het
Vandag se swembroeke van rek-lap is eintlik bedoel vir meisiekinders
nog nie hul puberteit bereik het nie, en wie se lyfies lyk of dit
uit marmer gebeitel is. Vroue met volwasse lywe het nie juis 'n keuse
Hulle moet by die kraamklere-afdeling gaan toustaan en geblomde
rompe aanpas sodat hul kan lyk soos die seekoeie in Walt Disney se
"Fantasia". So nie moet hulle maar by die rakke met gewone swembroeke
rondsnuffel en kyk watter van die stukkies rubberrek in glimkleure
die minste sleg pas.
Wat kon ek doen? Ek het maar rondgesnuffel. Ek het een uitgekies en in
martelhokkie, ook bekend as die aanpaskamer, verdwyn. Wat my eerste oor
baaibroek opgeval het, was die ongelooflike treksterkte van die
rekmateriaal. Ek dink die Lycra wat in swemklere gebruik word, is deur
ontwikkel om klein vuurpyle met ketties te lanseer. Die bonus is dat
as jy
jou lyf in 'n Lycra-baaibroek kan inwurm, dit sommer ook jou organe
'n haai-aanval beskerm: enige haai wat dom genoeg is om aan jou
te probeer hap se kakebeen sal deur die terugspringaksie afgeruk word.
Ek het my in die eerste swembroek ingewurg, maar toe ek die laaste
skouerband oorhaak, skrik ek my boeglam. My boesems was skoonveld! Ek
toe eindelik die een, onder my linkerarmholte. Na 'n rukkie toe kom ek
op die ander een af: platgedruk teen my sewende ribbebeen. Dis oor
se swembroeke nie 'n ingeboude bra het nie. Die volwasse vrou is
veronderstel om haar borste oor haar borskas uit te sprei tot dit soos
spoedwal lyk. Ek het my spoedwal gerangskik en weer in die spieël
Die swembroek het gepas. Maar ongelukkig het dit net dié dele van my
wat bereid was om binne te bly. Die res van my het oral uitgepeul. Ek
gelyk soos 'n stuk klei wat in 'n te klein vel kleefplastiek toegedraai
Toe ek nog so staan en wonder waar al my ekstra dele dan vandaan kom,
die verkoopvrou om die gordyn kom loer:"O, daar's julle almal." "Ja,
almal ek," het ek geantwoord terwyl ek my ekstra dele so bekyk. "Het
nog iets wat ek kan aanpas?"
Ek het so 'n roomkleurige een van gekreukelde materiaal aangepas. Dit
my soos ontwerperskleefband laat lyk. 'n Geblomde tweestuk het my soos
oorgroot servet in 'n servetring laat lyk. In die
met die valletjiesrand het ek
gelyk soos Tarzan wat met die verkeerde voet uit die bed geklim het.
deftige swart baaibroek met die middellyf van netmateriaal het my laat
soos 'n jellievis wat rou. En die pienke? Sy bene was so hoog gesny dat
my wenkbroue met was sou moes verwyder as ek dit wou dra!
Uiteindelik het ek een gekry wat pas. 'n Tweestuk met 'n
onderste en 'n halternektop. Dit was goedkoop, gemaklik en het mooi
met my knoppe en bulte. Ek het dit gekoop. By die huis het ek die
gelees: "Materiaal kan deurskynend raak in water." Maar dra gaan ek
dra. Ek moet net eers leer hoe om op droë grond borsslag te swem!!