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  Books in Charity Shops
Posted by: Oom Rob - 15-02-2004, 11:24 AM - Forum: The Book Club - Replies (4)

A tip for all those who do not know this, but the majority of Charity Shops have books for sale and I always go into them when passing, just to look at the books. I have bought some wonderful books in great condition at very reasonable prices in these shops.

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  telephone calls internet
Posted by: jimswin - 15-02-2004, 09:18 AM - Forum: Your Computers, Gadgets and Software - Replies (20)

I have set up the microsoft version, and it appears to work at home on the network.

Does anyone have any experience of talking internationally using the MS package. ( the keep telephone calls down option )

Or is there a better package that someone could recommend.

We want to talk to folks in SA and UK from Germany and reduce the costs on the telephone bill.

Seeing as we have a broadband connection this makes sense.

What experiences from other buzzers? Comments welcome

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  Classical music
Posted by: Jangar - 14-02-2004, 07:17 PM - Forum: Your Music - Replies (11)

So which tunes excite you ? ( I almost said 'turn you on' but that would be a bad choice of words.... Blush )

I have 3:

Carmen Burena (sp)
Beethoven's 5'th symphony
Tocata in D minor

And even though I've an intense dislike to opera I love Kimera Smile

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  Investment acounts
Posted by: libra - 14-02-2004, 11:25 AM - Forum: Business and Finance - Replies (2)

Mcamp999, hope you can assist me with this one because I am actually clueless regarding finances at the best of times.

We have bought a house and the mortgage advisor who is a South African who assists South African's with getting their feet on the property ladder, has recommended an Interest only payback option. We have accepted it due to the lower monthly payback benefits. We know that this is a house that is a foot in the door to the property market and have no intentions of staying there for 25 years, the family just won't fit in a 2 bedroomed semi forever and it is fine while they are young. Hopefully we can improve the property over the next couple of years anyway and still pay back everything owed with a bit over to spare for our move onwards and upwards. (Hope that makes sense - either that or we are playing with fire).

In the interum we would like to set up an investment account so that we do have money growing somewhere for the future - just in case, but are a bit unsure about where to start. Should we go to our bank and ask them about ISAs or whatever????

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  Cabin Crew
Posted by: Andrew - 14-02-2004, 10:09 AM - Forum: Your Employment and Recruitment - No Replies

Saw this add ..... maybe someone is interested ?

Our Cabin Crew must ensure that our customers' safety and comfort come first and that they create a memorable experience by providing friendly, enthusiastic, courteous and fun service at all times. The job is busy and can be physically demanding. Cabin Crew have to be prepared to work on any day of the year, at any time of the day.

To be considered for a position as Cabin Crew you must meet all of our minimum requirements. If you do please visit http://www.easyjet.com/en/jobs and complete an online application form.

You should be:

Ø Friendly and personable.
Ø Mature in attitude and outlook.
Ø Able to remain calm and efficient under pressure.
Ø An excellent communicator with people of all ages and cultures.
Ø A team player.
Ø Flexible and adaptable.
Ø Able to take direction and accept feedback.

Minimum requirements

Ø Age 19+.
Ø Height 5'2" (1.58m) to 6'3" (1.90m) with weight in proportion to height.
Ø Physically fit and able to pass a medical assessment.
Ø Fluent in English, both spoken and written.
Ø Able to swim 25m.
Ø Possession of right to live and work in the UK (working holiday and ancestry visas accepted).
Ø Possession of a passport allowing unrestricted travel within Europe.
Ø Educated to a good general standard of education.
Ø You must live within or be prepared to move within one hour of your preferred base.

All successful applicants must pass the four-week new entrant training course which is held at London Luton Airport. Our standards and expectations are very high and exam pass marks of at least 90% must be achieved throughout the course before new entrants can graduate as easyJet Cabin Crew.

easyJet welcomes applications from candidates who hold a UK working holiday visa or an ancestry visa.

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  Mozambique Chicken Peri Peri
Posted by: jimswin - 13-02-2004, 07:43 PM - Forum: Food Matters - No Replies

Quote:Originally posted by Demolitia
Hmmm anyone wanna come for dinner??? Guess what's on the menu... Big Grin

that and portuguese salad with lots olives... yum yum... Big Grin

Got a recipe you can post then Dem?

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Posted by: jimswin - 13-02-2004, 07:38 PM - Forum: Food Matters - No Replies

We have just made a batch of boerewors ( or should I say <Jillibeans has )

We have the good fortune of living in the same block in a building in our small town where the owners son is the butcher ( metzger in German ). Jillibeans prepared over 7Kg of the MIXTURE, and spiced it up, and this guy kindly minced it up and then stuffed the sausage casings for us.

He was absolutely fascinated at the ingredients, and we had an interesting discussion about having a go at making some biltong.

Will keep you posted how it all turns out. My stomach is still grumbling due to the lovely smell of the spices and vinegar etc.


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  Travel Funnies
Posted by: PomBok - 13-02-2004, 04:40 PM - Forum: Travel and Immigration - Replies (1)

15-odd years in the business and I've seen and heard some funny stuff, but I'm always interested to hear more and this thread is your chance.

To get us started here's a couple of favourites, IÂ’ll add more as I can:

The retail division of the firm I was working for got a letter from an elderly chap (mid-80's) that they had booked on a round Australia tour, including 3 weeks in Sydney so he could stay with one of his daughters. He was complaining about severe turbulence that he had encountered on the flight to Perth from Sydney (obviously it was our fault, we caused the turbulence by not booking good weather for him).

At the end of a two-page rant about how his holiday had been ruined by the flight he asked an unusual question; had Qantas yet returned his false teeth?

Having not received any Aussie post-marked packages containing false nashers we made further enquiries on his behalf. Pans out he had lost the teeth down the toilet at 33,000 feet during a bout of vomiting caused by the turbulence. Instead of getting new ones he has spend the next five days before his flight home badgering Qantas about their whereabouts! I mean, would you want them back!

Why do the best ones always involve Qantas?

A long-term client of ours recounted this story to me over a pint. I've since heard the story from a mate at Qantas so I know it to be true.

A chap boards an aircraft in Darwin with a small brown cardboard box; the box has a number of holes punched in it. An eagle eyed stewardess sees the chap struggling to put away his bag and coat in the overhead locker while balancing the box and offers to assist the traveller. On enquiring what is in the box she discovers that it contains rare sand-crabs and that the traveller is a zoologist taking these creatures back to his varsity.

She explains that no live animals, fish, birds etc. are allowed in the cabin and promises to see them safely put in to the aircraft's pressurised hold, to which our zoologist friend reluctantly, but eventually, agrees. The stewardess assures him that all will be OK and to just come and see her at the end of the flight and she'll go and fetch is precious package.

So the flight safely lands in Sydney and taxis up to the ramp, the usual message starts "Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of Captain Whoever and his crew welcome to Sydney. Please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop and could the man that gave me the crabs in Darwin make himself known"

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  My puppy's hurt
Posted by: Toktokkie - 13-02-2004, 04:33 PM - Forum: Fauna - Replies (34)

My puppy was so happy last night running and jumping around. I picked her up and put her on the bed but she wanted to get down and play some more. Before I could put her on the ground she jumped right out of my hands and landed funny on her hind leg. She's really a tough little thing so when she gave a little cry I knew she'd hurt herself. She wouldn't walk on that leg after that. When she did put weight on it I noticed that she would fall over as if the leg just gave out on her.

I took her to her vet and she needs surgery. I was upset at this news and have taken her to another vet for a second opinion and he says the same thing. The tendon, to which the patella is attached, and runs the length of the leg, has totally come off and is sitting on the inside of her leg.

I got home and have stretched the leg out and put the tendon back where it should be and am keeping it there with a splint and bandage hoping it will stay but I know it probably won't.

I'm really afraid. She's so tiny. I guess my fear is that something happens to her while she's under anaesthetic.

There is an orthopaedic vet in town and I'm seriously considering taking her there. Trouble is, he can't see me till next week.

Please say a prayer for Lexi.

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  What Pets Have You Had.
Posted by: Bushbaby - 13-02-2004, 02:36 PM - Forum: Fauna - Replies (5)

Down the years, what animals have you kept as pets?

My list is:

Dogs - shared with the family of course, at least 6.
Cats - shared with the family 20+ over the years. I have one at home with me now.
Goldfish - only the toilet knows...
Birds - none (sister allergic).
Snakes - 3 Western hog-nosed snakes. Gave away two years ago.
Lizards - 1 Chinese Water Dragon. Gave away last year.
Rats - 3, all died of old age eventually.
Degu - 3, very very noisy, found a new and happy home a month ago.
Pigs - 1 pot-bellied pig, didn't stop growing so at a petting zoo now.
Tortoises - at its peak, 41 leopard tortoises, we still have one retired female living in the back garden in Cape Town.
Ferrets - 2. My babies, loved them to bits but housemates were not as taken with them. Conflict led to them being rehomed with a friend.
Plus the usual mix of silkworms, caterpillars and frogs...
My green stick insects live at work.

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