21-01-2004, 10:44 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Joan
I did mean regular mararthon athletes and regular cyclists, not those who do it once in a while spam!!!!
It all boils down to a proper balance of the scales....pardon the pun
This is true in my view Joan ..................
Too many people make excuses for the weight they carry ............ the bottom line in the majority of cases is that people are lazy and eat rubbish in excess.
I'm a prime candidate here, I am overweight simply because I like to eat and have gotten lazy when it comes to exercise over the years.
There are of course people that put on weight for medical reasons, but these will be in the minority and not the majority. then again with the poor eating habits of many nowdays, more and more people are going to be medically affected and obese because of it, as well as other health problems, asthma, diabetes, high bood pressure, clogges arteries, poor heart rate/strength etc.
To counter this I believe that more should be put into early school exercise and nutrition lessons, and this will be carried through their life, rather than the breed or couch dwellers we have nowdays in many cases.
Far too many excuses!
With regards to Atkins etc ............ this diet will suit some if followed correctly, it wont suit others. It also depends on what expectations the dieter has, if one wants to be a svelt size and they are a Dawn French or Pavarotti right now, then they are dreaming, however, if people are realistic in what they want to achieve and actually study their body type etc, then more pleasing and satisfactory results will be achieved. It would also help is media pressure was minimised accross the population too.