24-04-2004, 10:54 AM
Quote:Originally posted by whirlpool
Pics justa nudder dumb question, do ms apps run on top linux os? or do you have to source all of them as well.
WP no they dont - thats the short answer. You can get them to do so by using a package called Wine which runs on top of Linux and then allows you to run the Windows apps but to be honest I ahve never tried it as Linux has all the software I need. However, what MS apps are you talking about? If it just the usual bumf like Office then Open Office will do everything that most users want office to do and for free!
Just to clarify one thing. It may seem like a lot - 3CD's. But those cd's will include more software than you will ever use. The 3 Redhat CD's included OpenOffice and so within a very short time I had a perfect office machine which ahd all the software I needed on it and was automatically connected to the network.