12-12-2004, 02:11 AM
Dearest Little Bear!
Here indeed are some screenshots of what the desktop space CAN look like but again due to Linux being amazingly customisable you will rarely find two experienced Linux users with matching desktops!
Click Here Little Bear
Now Little Bear if you were concentrating whilst Goldielocks was dipping her grubby little digits into your porridge you will remember that I am full of praise for the work that our little frozen beaked friend Tux has been doing. Linux is certainly coming of age for home useage. However, I would recommend using a dual boot system for a Windows user to be able to have access to the software of the Evil Empire whilst they transfer allegiance to the Noble Knight Sir Tux. This also holds true so that they can still dig around on the internet for different ways to fry fish when their devices like printers and scanner wont do what they were made to do. So whilst 1gig wouldnt be enough space - Sir Tux brings loads of extra software, office suites, games, multimedia software etc etc - you would indeed be able to install it on about five gigs of free space and still have a penguin of a time!
I hope that this was of assistance to you Little Bear!
Peace and Baked Beans.
Uncle Bulgaria!
Here indeed are some screenshots of what the desktop space CAN look like but again due to Linux being amazingly customisable you will rarely find two experienced Linux users with matching desktops!
Click Here Little Bear
Now Little Bear if you were concentrating whilst Goldielocks was dipping her grubby little digits into your porridge you will remember that I am full of praise for the work that our little frozen beaked friend Tux has been doing. Linux is certainly coming of age for home useage. However, I would recommend using a dual boot system for a Windows user to be able to have access to the software of the Evil Empire whilst they transfer allegiance to the Noble Knight Sir Tux. This also holds true so that they can still dig around on the internet for different ways to fry fish when their devices like printers and scanner wont do what they were made to do. So whilst 1gig wouldnt be enough space - Sir Tux brings loads of extra software, office suites, games, multimedia software etc etc - you would indeed be able to install it on about five gigs of free space and still have a penguin of a time!
I hope that this was of assistance to you Little Bear!
Peace and Baked Beans.
Uncle Bulgaria!