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IS circumcision of a new born a form of child abuse?
In the UK routine circumcision is discouraged on the NHS but is still practiced by religious communities.

In the US most hospitals automatically assume that you would want your male child circumcised.

IS circumcision a form of body mutilation and hence a form of child abuse?
How much pain does it cause the child? And is it going to cause the child permanent physical or mental harm?

For these reasons I would think not, as the child will never remember it (obviously if done at the usual 8 days), but I think this is one really for the each parent to decide, but then for that matter, is giving our children inoculations not a form of child abuse? We know its for the child's best, but is it necessary to cause them pain every time?
No, I do not think it is not a form of child abuse. It is a religious thing, but it is also up to the parents to decide.
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--Mahatma Gandhi
Quote:Originally posted by dudette
How much pain does it cause the child? And is it going to cause the child permanent physical or mental harm?

For these reasons I would think not, as the child will never remember it (obviously if done at the usual 8 days), but I think this is one really for the each parent to decide, but then for that matter, is giving our children inoculations not a form of child abuse? We know its for the child's best, but is it necessary to cause them pain every time?

Some would say innoculations are not in the childs interest but are in society's. I have read a mother specifically referring to MMR say that she would not vaccinate her children because of the risks, but make sure they live in a high take up area to gain protection that way.
Quote:Originally posted by Jemlet
Some would say innoculations are not in the childs interest but are in society's. I have read a mother specifically referring to MMR say that she would not vaccinate her children because of the risks, but make sure they live in a high take up area to gain protection that way.

Ohh wow! A parenting topic I can actually add my two bob to! If I had a son Iw ould be quite happy for him to be circumcised. I dont believe it to be abuse. If it is then so is having a baby girls ears pierced. And in any case I am glad Iwas done as a baby, rather than as an adult! Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by Oi!gen
Don't ask me why I'm getting involved in this debate. I just saw the thread and thought it a curious topic.

Circumcision serves absolutely no purpose - it is without a doubt abuse. By the way, I don't know if any of you saw the television programme on female circumcision in some countries in Africa recently. It was absolutely appaling, and I think there is no justification for it whatsoever.

Someone mentioned that it's up to the parents to decide. I think not. I won't go into too much detail in fear of being banned from the site, but I would have been very unhappy if someone had got rid of my front little bit when I was a child...

There is no way you can compare the female circumcision in some African countries to circumcisions done to baby boys!!!!

Deciding to circumcise your baby is a parents choice and cause the baby only minor discomfort. It's only painful when the baby is a few months older.....

My eldest son was circumcised at 3 months on the advice of a doctor and he was very uncomfortable and miserable as a result. My second son was circumcised at 23 hours and didn't seem to mind as there was no crying at routine nappy changes. The only reason I had my boys circumcised is because I think it is a lot easier to be hygienic.....
The hygiene thing is one of those myths, particualrly for babies - see:

The actual reason the US used to push circumcision is twofold - firstly it was thought that it made masturbation impossible, thus the young men wouldn't be corrupted, and secondly the Nazi's identified jewish males by the fact that they had been circumcised, and if all males were done in the future, this would remove any stigma attached to the jewish males. (a large number of the doctors in the US were jewish, and the US had a close tie to the jewish immigrants)

The health argument was brought about by doctors attempting to justify the practise after the dangers and cruelty was being noticed and questioned..
I would agree, unless there is a medical reason for circumcision then I see not need for it.

It does nothing at all for hygiene, the opposite would be the case when one thinks about it Sad

Later in life it is personal preference I suppose, some would like it, others do not - but if they don't have the choice, then what?

I don't know whether it would be regarded as abuse - but what of the cases where infection occurs, - this is something that could have been prevented in the first place, especially for a needless operation.

BH Big Grin
Yes it is a form of abuse, of course it is sore!!!!!!!!!! Those babies scream when they have it done. There is absolutely no proof that it is hygienically better and there is no other reason for it to be done other than religous reasons. Personally I will never do anything to my childrens bodies (besides for medical reasons) until they are old enough to decide for themselves.

Oi!gen I don't know which programme you saw but I saw one on Oprah a couple of years ago and I sobbed my heart out. The screams from those little girls still haunt me.
Ok I am circumcised and I do not find myself lying on a therapists couch recounting tales of abuse. It does not affect my enjoyement of sex and if anything I ahve had far less hassle than my uncut friends. Many of whom have had to sit in doctors offices squirming as they recount the problems they experience.

I agree with Mzinterpret on this as usual - and at least I can speak from experience!

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