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  Uncluttered Faith
Posted by: Sue Johnson - 29-04-2005, 12:51 PM - Forum: Christian Faith Praise - No Replies

by Max Lucado

Bedtime is a bad time for kids. No child understands the logic of going
to bed while there is energy left in the body or hours left in the day.

My children were no exception. One night years ago, after many
objections and countless groans, the girls were finally in their gowns,
in their beds, and on their pillows. I slipped into the room to give
them a final kiss. Andrea, the five-year-old was still awake, just
barely, but awake. After I kissed her, she lifted her eyelids one final
time and said, “I can't wait until I wake up.”

Oh, for the attitude of a five-year-old! That simple uncluttered
passion for living that can't wait for tomorrow. A philosophy of life
that reads, “Play hard, laugh hard, and leave the worries to your
father.” A bottomless well of optimism flooded by a perpetual spring of
faith. Is it any wonder Jesus said we must have the heart of a child
before we can enter the kingdom of heaven?

I like the way J. B. Phillips renders Jesus' call to childlikeness:
“Jesus called a little child to his side and set him on his feet in the
middle of them all. 'Believe me,' he said, 'unless you change your
whole outlook and become like little children you will never enter the
kingdom of Heaven.' (Matthew 18:2-3)

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  Christmas Flights To Joburg £585 Return
Posted by: TomBurges - 27-04-2005, 12:27 PM - Forum: Your Classifieds - No Replies

Classic Travel are offering Egyptair to Joburg on the following dates
over christmas to Globalsaffers Members.

London To Joburg 16,19 and 23 December

Heathrow 1725 Cairo 0010
Cairo 0300 Joburg 1100

Joburg To London 03,07,10 and 14 January

Joburg 2000 Cairo 0500
Cairo 0935 Heathrow 1235

Fare £585 Adult And £409 Children

Airport Tax of £98 to be Added.

A £100 Deposit per person will secure your Reservation.

Contact Tom 0207 586 1234

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  Help cctrust.dll
Posted by: mcamp999 - 26-04-2005, 12:27 PM - Forum: Your Computers, Gadgets and Software - Replies (3)

A number of programmes wont run because apparently the cctrust.dll cannot be found, I was cleaning up my computer and may have removed it in error. Any advice would be appreciated.

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  jean de villiers
Posted by: rugbyfairy - 26-04-2005, 07:18 AM - Forum: Rugby Newsfeed - Replies (5)

i cant believe tipoki got away with just a 3 week ban.

after you done this to a man


i really feel sorry for jean because it looks really eina!!
and gert wants him to play on saturday, poor guy.

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  On the wings of prayer.
Posted by: Oom Rob - 26-04-2005, 06:09 AM - Forum: Christian Faith Praise - Replies (3)

A dear old friend recently sent me this Prayer and I would like to share it with you all. I hope I am not repeating what may have been posted in the past:-

On the wings of prayer our burdons take flight
And our load of care becomes bearably light,
And our heavy hearts are lifted above
To be healed by the balm of God's wonderful love,
And the tears in our eyes are dried by the hands
Of a loving Father who understands all our problems, our fears and despair,
When we take them to him on the wings of prayer.

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  Restaurant recommendations - The Waterside Inn
Posted by: Cheffie - 25-04-2005, 11:01 AM - Forum: Food Matters - No Replies

If any of you are planning on splashing out on a little food and wine in one of the most romantic restaurants in the world... do yourselves a favour and book a table at this very fine establishment! :thumbs:

The fluffy bunny and myself ate there a few weeks back and wow! It is worthy of the three Michelin stars - the food, the ambience, the service, the wine... absolutely everything.

As they have rooms too, it's going to be the next splash out thing for summer time. A trip on the boat along the Thames, a leisurely meal and great wine and then retiring to bed in one of the luxurious rooms to awaken to breakfast. Hmmm... bring on the summer - I can't wait to go back and experience it again with my young lady :thumbs:

Granted, it's quite expensive, but the value for money, the whole experience is something you have got to experience if only just once in your lifetime.

and then again... it's owned by one of the Masters and fathers of cuisine as we know it in Britain today - Chef Michel Roux and his son, Alain.

If any of you have been to any decent restaurants, lets hear about it

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  Fear that becomes faith
Posted by: Sue Johnson - 25-04-2005, 06:47 AM - Forum: Christian Faith Praise - Replies (1)

by Max Lucado

“Lord, if it's you,” Peter says, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
(Matthew 14:28)

Peter is not testing Jesus; he is pleading with Jesus. Stepping onto a
stormy sea is not a move of logic; it is a move of desperation.

Faith is not born at the negotiating table where we barter our gifts in
exchange for God's goodness. Faith is not an award given to the most
learned. It's not a prize given to the most disciplined. It's not a
title bequeathed to the most religious.

Faith is a desperate dive out of the sinking boat of human effort and a
prayer that God will be there to pull us out of the water. Paul wrote
about this kind of faith in the letter to the Ephesians:

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not
from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can
boast.” (Ephesians 2:8, 9).

Paul is clear. The supreme force in salvation is God's grace. Not our
works. Not our talents. Not our feelings. Not our strength.

Salvation is God's sudden, calming presence during the stormy seas of
our lives. We hear his voice; we take the step.

We, like Paul, are aware of two things: We are great sinners and we
need a great Savior.

We, like Peter, are aware of two facts: We are going down and God is
standing up. So we scramble out. We leave behind the Titanic of
self-righteousness and stand on the solid path of God's grace.

And, surprisingly, we are able to walk on water. Death is disarmed.
Failures are forgivable. Life has real purpose. And God is not only
within sight, he is within reach.

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  Eye Infections In Newborns
Posted by: Bean of Love - 23-04-2005, 07:47 PM - Forum: Parenting and Children - Replies (7)


It is Saturday night...I think... and my beautiful babe seems to have an eye infection...

Is there anything I can do to clear it up or at least relieve it until I am able to go to the surgery on Monday...

It is greeny yellowy crustys just in the one eye....

It doesn't seem to bug my mini Bean... but I want to sort it out...

Enige raad???

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  Is daar in wanorde iets wat ons saamknoop?
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 23-04-2005, 06:23 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - No Replies

Cecile Cilliers

Was jare laas daar, maar toe die vliegtuig sy laaste draai vat voordat hy op Schiphol neerstryk en die klein, plat, waterryke landjie onder my oopvou, kom versreëls van Elisabeth Eybers my onweerstaanbaar in die gedagte:
'n helder lasprent sorgsaam uitgesoek,
reghoekig, ewewydig, vak aan vak
gemeet, geplan, gepas en ingeplak.

Holland is onmiddellik herkenbaar. Die helder lasprent is nie net groen nie. Die lente in Europa (en ag, hoe mooi, hoe stadig wissel die seisoene daar, elke blom, elke boom kry van bot die volle pond), die lente verf die effe veld met breë stroke van geel affodille, gestreepte vlae van pienk en pers hiasinte, wye aanloopbane van gloeiende, rooi tulpe. Maar al die roekelose kleur is ordelik, georden, netjies: gemeet, geplan, gepas en ingeplak.

Saam met my jong gasheer en gasvrou stap ek deur die Saterdagoggendstrate van Leiden, koop kaas en vleis en brood by winkels wat elkeen presies dít verkoop - óf kaas óf vleis óf brood.

Sondag ry ons Keukenhof toe en ek verwonder my aan die reusepark vol water en blomme en berkebome blink van die eerste groen. Alles is so goed gereël, die paaie en die parkering, die kaartjieloket, die oop ruimtes en die klein koffiewinkeltjies. Net 'n roofvoël wat ná 'n vertoning waartydens hy en sy makkers op bevel vir die skare gevlieg en geduik het, sit mokkig hoog bo in 'n boom en weier enige versoek of bevel om terug te keer.
Die halsstarrige valk was die enigste teken van opstand wat ek gesien het. Elke hond op straat is aan 'n leiband en ge dienstig stap elke eienaar met 'n plastieksakkie in die hand in geval van 'n hondeglipsie. Die land is netjies, georden, skoon.

Maar my jong gasvrou stop my 'n vrouetydskrif in die hand wat 'n deur oopmaak op 'n ander Holland. In November verlede jaar is Theo van Gogh vermoor - ja, verlangse familie van Vincent, en ons het die Van Gogh- museum in Amsterdam gaan besoek.

Van Gogh was 'n ondersoekende verslaggewer (nogal ver na regs) wat selfs in 'n land waar spraak baie vry is, dikwels aanstoot gegee het. En toe hy in 'n artikel smalend na Allah verwys, is hy wreedaardig doodgemaak. Die jong Moslem wat dit gedoen het, is gou in hegtenis geneem, maar die Hollanders is uit hul rus geruk.
Hollanders is in die war, beweer die tydskrif, hulle vrees vir hulle nasionale identiteit . . . Die hele uitgawe word aan die moontlikheid van integrasie gewy, om tot die gevolgtrekking te kom dat integrasie met 'n bevol king wat oor dekades aangesterk is met mense uit Suriname en Turkye, uit Noord- en selfs Wes- Afrika, tog nie moontlik is nie. Maar, vra hulle, is 'n rustige naasbestaan dan onmoontlik? Moet die wette op vrye spraak dalk strenger gemaak word?
Of moet Islam verbied word?

Nee, dit natuurlik nie, maar waar Islamitiese skole in die lewe geroep word, word daarna verwys as die "swart" skole . . .

Onder die ordelikheid wat Holland is, kook dit.

En dit laat my wonder. Is daar onder die volslae gebrek aan orde in hierdie land tog iets wat ons aanmekaar knoop, iets wat ons, ten spyte van ons verskille én die wanorde, rustig met mekaar laat saamwoon?
Mog 't treffe, zeg ik!


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  London to Cape Town
Posted by: mcamp999 - 23-04-2005, 11:37 AM - Forum: Travel and Immigration - Replies (5)

I got a booking for some family of my brothers last week, 410 pounds return with Qatar airlines. She has never flown anything but direct in the past, but that fare would have been 670 pounds, so was very nervous. Anyway, she says that it is the best flight she has ever had, and the change over was no problems at all. Worth looking at in the future as the price is still available.

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