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  Bread Machine
Posted by: birdie - 23-01-2004, 11:49 AM - Forum: Food Matters - Replies (16)

I have been trying to bake bread for ages...always failed so one of my Xmas presents was a bread machine.

I have been baking one every other day every kind possible!!!

This can not be good for you, I am piling on the pounds.

Anyone else have a bread machine?
Does anyone haave healthier recipe versions I can use????

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  Cold Mountain
Posted by: Pampered - 23-01-2004, 07:40 AM - Forum: Your Food and Entertainment - Replies (4)

So who has seen this movie? I saw it last night with a friend, and I thought it was fantastic!

It is quite long - about 2 and a half hours, but I do not mind 2 1/2 hours of Jude Law.....

It has a lot of well known faces in the movie, and you will see a lot that you recognise... Renee Zelwegger was incredible in this role - one of her best ever!

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  Pampus Grass
Posted by: Petunia - 22-01-2004, 11:52 PM - Forum: Flora - No Replies

Hope I got the spelling right..

Anyone know how to permanently remove / destroy pampus grass?

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  Dutch / Afrikaans
Posted by: Pronkertjie - 22-01-2004, 08:42 PM - Forum: Praat Afrikaans - Replies (3)

Quote:Originally posted by Bandit
Weet eimand wat die duitse worrd 'blaat' bedoel?

Jammer maar my afrikaans is sleg. :o

Bedoel jy Nederlandse woord of Duitse woord?

Ek kan glad nie onthou of ek die woord 'blaat' in Nederlands gesien het nie. Kan dalk Duits wees??

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Posted by: Bean of Love - 22-01-2004, 07:41 PM - Forum: Your Health, Fitness and Wellbeing - Replies (8)

I am looking for a good doctor.... Is there something like that here in the UK??

I know I am from Deep Dark Africa, but at least there the Doctors are ok.... and have decent equipment!!!

I am soo dissapointed in the medical system here, and even on private health care, you still see a NHS doctor...

Maybe I am missing the boat completely........Sad :eek:

I saw the doctor's nurse on Tuesday and she promtly did a biopsy without using anaestetic (spelling)????

Back in SA you hear about all the wonderful doctors here, until you get here.

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Posted by: Cali - 22-01-2004, 07:11 PM - Forum: Your Health, Fitness and Wellbeing - Replies (18)

Just had my wisdom teeth out - well yesterday.

Must just commend the NHS style of doing things... when you arrive early (like an hour early) they put you to the top of the queue - so I thought yooohoooo I get to go first. Then this woman comes in also early and starts making a fuss about this that and the other so she gets bumped to the top of the queue. Then they decide that since mine is the whammy of all they have to do that day (3 compacted wisdom teeth) I shall be going last. Rolleyes So I arrived at 12pm... had my operation at 2pm and left the hospital at 7pm (that was down to complications though!). While I was a tad annoyed about this... I honestly cannot fault them for aftercare services... i had a bit of a seizure while coming out of the operation and it was all a tad hair-raising - the doctors and nurses kept me there for so long afterwards to see if I was fine. They have then phoned me three times today to see if I have any chest pains due to the pummeling they apparently gave me! (no...just some fantastic bruising! lol ).

So thumbs up to the NHS... and I really mean that.

They must sort out their hospital gowns though... too long and tooooo ugly! Big Grin

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  BA - cheap flights!
Posted by: berlyn - 22-01-2004, 06:25 PM - Forum: Travel and Immigration - Replies (8)

yaaaaay, we are going in march, unfortunately the special finishes today ..... cant beleive our luck!!! pity we have to take the kids out of school for two weeks though...

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  Cooks Corner
Posted by: picanin - 22-01-2004, 05:25 PM - Forum: Forum Information - Replies (7)

Help! Despite being doff in the kitchen I really enjoy reading Cooks Corner. Whats happened to it? PLeeeeeez dont tell me it has been done away with? I read about the move of the food and entertainment forum but is this related to that move?


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  The smilies update thread
Posted by: ForumAdmin - 22-01-2004, 02:30 PM - Forum: Forum Information - Replies (276)

All the smilies added

place the word between : and :


These are all viewable in the Smilies panel

Thank You


ps. this thread will be updated as new smilies are added

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  Cosmetic Kids
Posted by: PomBok - 22-01-2004, 01:19 PM - Forum: Parenting and Children - Replies (10)

Did anyone catch the programme on ITV last night about children having cosmetic surgery?

It featured 4 children, 3 in the UK and one in the United States. All wanted (and got) cosmetic surgery.

The first was a really sweet youngster of about 10 with bad sticky-out ears. She had been the victim of a lot of teasing and it was clearly quite a problem for her. In fairness, she had a point, from behind she did look like VW Beetle with the doors open!

The second was an 18 year-old girl who had wanted breast implants since she was about 11. Strangely enough Mum and Dad ran a cosmetic surgery business! She wanted to go from an A to a B cup and M&D were quite happy to pick up the bill, in fact, they even encouraged it.

The third was a poor lass that wanted a breast reduction. She was only quite young but already her breasts were causing her a huge problem with back pain and were clearly damaging her confidence badly. It looked a pretty painful and unpleasant op, but this lass was pretty brave.

The fourth was a young American girl that wanted lipposuction to shift about 20lbs. She was shown days before the op tucking in to a nice fat slice of pizza. They then went on to show the actual lipposuction, suffice to say that it was gross.

Kids 1 and 3 had their procedures paid for by the NHS, 2's parents paid as did 4's (as she was in the US of course).

I had huge amounts of sympathy for 1 and 3, but little or none for 2 and 4, was I wrong? Should children be allowed to choose to have cosmetic surgery? I could see a genuine reason for the pinning back of the ears and the breast reduction, because there were genuine confidence benefits for the girls involved. But to me 2 and 4 were about nothing more than fashion and trying to be like the images we see in magazines. Quite disturbing really.

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